We are One: A Tale of Reincarnation

We are One: A Tale of Reincarnation

My soul is deeply touched by the human-like compassion, intellect, and emotions of the noble elephant. And still, we slaughter them. Roger Kenworthy

This is a tale of reincarnation.


These words sum up Edward Payne's journey in his present life. He is an American businessman whose "To Do" list included hunting down Africa's Big Five animals just to satisfy his overly large ego. While on his latest trophy hunt in the Okavango Delta region of Africa, he has his chance to fulfill his dream.

His victory is sweet. He is triumphant over nature as he takes down the wise and aged matriarch of a small herd...but, his victory is also short-lived.

You see, when karma calls...you ante up.

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About the Book



My name is Dr. Jonathan Blackmore. I am a licensed MD and lifelong practitioner of Past Life Regression, PLR, the controversial and hence, an undisputable thorn in the side of modern-day science.

Having worked over thirty years in this field, I have regressed roughly two thousand patients back to an earlier life which they believed to have experienced. Of these many journeys that I was privileged to share with a wide array of individuals, I must be honest and state unequivocally that I find the case of Dr. Thomas Edwards is and was the most fascinating.

My journey into the realm of reincarnation began in 1978 after reading the much-lauded book, Reliving Past Lives, by Dr. Helen Wambach. Previous to my discovery of this seminal recounting of people’s past lives, I was a skeptic, no…an honest disbeliever of such tales, which in my mind, sprang out of Asian disparity and philosophy. These romantic tales of experiencing one life and then discarding it as an old set of clothes certainly did not resonate with my scientific, black and white…see it to believe it…prove it or disprove it with reams of empirical data based upon textbook theories.

This was the touchy, feely stuff concocted in the fertile minds of intellectuals, romantics, or artists to placate a regular citizen’s view of the injustices, prejudices, and hardships that occurred over a multitude of generations within impoverished villages, towns, states, and countries.

However, my view of this subject soon changed. One day a colleague approached me and recommended that I purchase this mysterious book, and with a great deal of reserve did so. But, after slowly digesting several chapters late one evening, I realized that Dr. Wambach’s scientific approach to data gathering and the subsequent statistical analysis of her findings created hard evidence to support her thesis that we live and die and live again.

We live multiple lives. Reincarnation existed. It appears that we travel through time as different genders, races, cultures, classes, and in various geographical locations. However, these differences coincide with similar forms of death; drownings, shootings, illnesses, suicides, murders, and a number of natural disasters.

The detailed evidence from Dr. Wambach’s clinical approach to this subject was verified with historical facts; specific names, places, and dates that her participants voiced during their regression sessions were not just folly. There was verifiable evidence: hard to imagine or fake minute details of clothing from a certain date; materials and shapes of kitchen utensils used at a specific time; or names written on death certificates or etched upon faded tombstones provided Dr. Wambach validation for a patient’s claims made under hypnosis.

It is reported that while in a hypnotic state, the person is unable to lie. In other words, they are physically unable to twist the truth or create imaginary times, places, and events. This is fascinating and should be enough support for what is shared between a patient and practitioner in a PLR session. Nevertheless, it does not appear to be the case in the jaundiced eyes of scientists and non-believers.

Publication Year: 2021
Length: 78 pages

eBook Price: 2.99
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