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We must lose something in order to gain something

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The only constant is change

All around us we witness the impact of change upon business, society, nature, and Mother Earth herself. In nature, trees lose their leaves, snakes shed their skins, and birds molt their feathers. As a result of these losses, the leaves nourish the earth, the snake skin nourishes the microorganisms, and the feathers nourish the microbes, hence, there is loss but there is gain. Being an integral part of nature and creation as we are, we must realize that we fall under the same Natural Laws as the trees, birds, and earth where the only constant is change and change benefits all things in the long run.

Change can bring new life

Humankind is not immune from the constancy of change and rightly so since change can bring new life and new enthusiasm for life. Change can also bring about heightened awareness and spiritual development. Thus, we should embrace change and the new possibilities that occur once our change has been realized. When considering the source of change upon the Self, we should understand that there are two planes that affect us: the first one is the physical while the second is the metaphorical.

We lose but we gain

When we consider items lost on the physical plane, we certainly lose friends, lose jobs, and lose lovers. We also lose such earthly possessions that include money, homes, and a host of other objects. Of all of these examples, think for a moment if you will about the loss of a relationship. You have an unsupportive spouse and you are an unhappy life insurance agent who wants to be a university professor. You share your dream with your spouse, however, they feel threatened about your being more highly educated than they are or a loss of income until you receive a tenured position. So, you face the following dilemma: if you don’t pursue your dream you’re unhappy BUT if you pursue your dream you’re partner is unhappy.  Ultimately, something must be lost, either your partner or your dream. In the end, have faith that your intuition delivers what is required to face that change.

Change is inevitable

Our other great loss can be in a metaphorical sense which can accompany, but not necessarily, loss in the physical sense. Change is inevitable if devoid of objective interference. As we see ourselves as the person we want to change to, we lose our old Self to become our new Self and many times we are uncomfortable with the new face in the mirror or the large amount of cash in our bank account. Still, you must understand that if you want to be a writer but are not focused, you have to lose the unfocused writer and replace that person with a disciplined writer to succeed. Or, if you desire to be an actor but are shy and reserved, you must lose the shy and reserved actor to become a successful actor.

Loss is not a bad thing

Most errantly believe that losing something should be avoided above all costs. However, the Natural Laws clearly illustrate that once something is lost, the pendulum swings the other way and something is gained. And ultimately, the benefits of the gain can far exceed what any loss could ever be. Next time you experience a loss, have faith that your gain will result in a far greater return in the long run.       

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