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“Gratitude is the absence of resistance; resistance is the absence of gratitude.”

Resistance is a negative vibratory state 

Resistance is a vibrational state of being that manifests from negative feelings such as envy, jealousy, and fury. When one inhabits this unenviable state of being, they lack true connection with the Source and with their Self, in fact, this state is diametrically opposed to the Source and to their Self since we naturally inhabit a positive vibratory state where we think, say, and do good things which then manifest our wants and desires.

Gratitude is a positive vibratory state

Expressing gratitude to the Source every day for your life, no matter how good or how bad you may perceive your life at the present moment, inhibits the flow of resistance that you may face when your life is not as you truly want it to be.

Gratitude is seeing your life through the eyes of the Source

Expressing your gratitude regularly results in experiencing your life through the Source. You cannot become closer to the Source than when you express gratitude, in essence, you are living this physical life seeing things through the eyes of the Source. As such, you are at work and see all the wonderful things about those around you; you are in a traffic jam and see all the wonderful things about your commute; and you are home with your family and see all the wonderful things about your family.

Your awareness creates Source-like experiences in your life 

While others may see aggressive, untrustworthy colleagues, or dangerous and noisy roads, or an irresponsible teenager listening to loud music, you only see the good in those people and things surrounding you in business and social situations. This is truly experiencing a Source-like existence. And with this elevated sense of awareness of the wonderful things that abound in and around your life, your positive vibrational state can only attract more abundance and more happiness as you create a natural barrier which blocks out lack and sorrow from your Self.

Gratitude is not inhabiting a state of want or lack     

While gratitude is a positive thought, word, and action, some may believe to the contrary that gratitude is a state of being in want or lack, in other words, they still have not achieved what they have focused their attention upon and are still striving for that elusive goal. They think that they are still fighting an uphill battle to achieve what they want to achieve. This perception of gratitude is erroneous and this type of thinking can only lead you down a path that is incongruent with your goal. If you believe that gratitude accompanies lack, then you are in a negative vibrational state which can only lead to more lack and this forms a natural barrier to keep you in your unpleasant present – this is a Natural law.

Be sincerely grateful for what you have, where you are, and who you are 

Expressing gratitude simply means that you are truly joyous of what you have in your life at the present moment; this does not mean that you are do not want to achieve more in the future, far from it since we are meant to achieve more and continually expand as the universe itself does. So, if you have an old car and are truly grateful for it, or you live in a small home on the wrong side of town and are truly grateful for it, or if you have a job which just does not provide enough income for the goals you want to achieve but are truly grateful for it anyway, you will surely put all these things behind you since your expression of true gratefulness can only manifest as a positive vibratory state where all that you think, say, and do reflects your inner state of being.

Our inner state creates our vibratory state…cultivate it wisely

Our inner state of being is what manifests our goals and we cannot escape what state we are in even if that state cannot be detected by those around us. Carefully cultivate the state of being you desire since your decisions then manifest as your thoughts, words, and actions which are congruent with that state of being and ultimately your results.

You have complete control of your vibratory state 

Gratitude is the absence of resistance while resistance is the absence of gratitude. Both states cannot coexist within the same cosmic time or within the same physical space. Your feelings and your thoughts, and your feelings and your thoughts alone, determine if the state you inhabit is one of gratitude or one of resistance.

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“Thoughts are things; words are your thoughts articulated; and your actions set your thoughts and words in motion.”

We are energy, and our wants and desires must be in accord with our vibrational energy

We are powerful energy forces as well as powerful energy sources that are fully capable of creating what we desire by achieving and maintaining a vibrational state that is in accord with those wants. However, most are not aware of the miraculous potential of the universal energy and our reliance upon the universal Laws that were freely provided to us and for us by a truly benevolent Source.

All things originate from spiritual energy 

All things originate as spiritual energy before they ever become physical reality. While all things are energy, they are uncontrolled energy which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe and we need to harness this unbridled energy to achieve our goals. It is the interface between your life thoughts and your life experience alone which create things in your spiritual world and your physical world.

We are the creators within our spiritual realm 

Others cannot create within your spiritual realm or your physical realm, this is not to say that they may or may not influence you and your thoughts and you may or may not influence their thoughts. Nevertheless, while you may be part of a complex universal equation that manifests all people, things, and situations to produce your goal or someone else’s goal, still, you and you alone are responsible for your results.

We must sustain our wants over universal timelessness 

In the end, it is your powerful and emotional thoughts that are maintained in the present and sustained over cosmic timelessness which result in a positive vibrational state that creates your results. And the reverse is also true: it is your weak and unemotional thoughts which can only result in a negative vibrational state and then you remain in the same state no matter how hard you try to escape since like vibrations attract like and unlike vibrations repel unlike.

Negative vibrations manifest negative results 

As you enter and remain in this negative state in the present, your thoughts then have you reflect upon your past to support your vibrational state; it is then your thoughts that have you look ahead to your future and it is with these past and future thoughts which substantiate and proliferate your past, your present, and your future vibrational state.

Your words create your results 

The words that you use to express your thoughts to your Self and to those around you are the results of the thoughts that you hold within your Self. You can put on a bold front, you can be persuasive, and you can be strong when you articulate your thoughts through your words. However, if you hold any doubts; no matter how insignificant they may seem to you, about your chances of accomplishing your goals, no matter how hard you try to convince your Self and those around you with your words, you will be unable to achieve what you set your thoughts upon. This must be the case since when we express doubt, lack faith, and little belief, we cling to negative expectancy and negative expectancy manifests as a negative vibrational state which can hold or drive our goals away from their fruition. It is crucial to your accomplishing the goals you set that your thoughts and your words are congruent, or they have little opportunity to be realized.

Your actions manifest from your vibratory state 

Your actions are what indicate whether you have been in a positive or negative vibratory state with the thoughts that you hold within your Self and the words that you articulate to your Self and those around you. While most believe that their actions are fully responsible for the achievement of their goals, they errantly make this decision since they are unaware that their actions are the least effective and efficient means to goal achievement.

Success results from your internal guidance system 

Success, however you define it, is not about how hard or how long you work, rather, it is about how and what you do with the inner guidance system provided by the Source. Your actions should and must be about what you do and how you do it due to the vibrational state that you find your Self occupying in the present moment and should not be influenced by the occurrences that occupied the past nor about the possibilities that may occupy the future.

There is no universal judgment 

A positive vibratory state enjoyed fully at the moment sets in motion all the people, things, and situations required by the Universal Laws to manifest your goals. And since there is no universal judgment of what you love or what you fear, the resultant motion from the integration of your thoughts and your words will unconditionally manifest that which is in perfect harmony with your thoughts and your words regardless if the outcome is viewed as good or bad to the holder of those thoughts and words.

Your future manifests from your present thoughts, words, and actions 

Your internal guidance system is initiated by your thoughts, sustained by your words, and accomplished by your actions. Be aware that you are constantly creating your future based upon your thoughts, words, and actions from the past and your thoughts, words and actions from the present.

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“The paradigms formed in your past occupy your present to form your future.”

Unrewarding, unfulfilling, and unsatisfying…

Sadly, a large percentage of us will work our entire lives in jobs which are unrewarding, stay in relationships which are unfulfilling, and accumulate objects which are unsatisfying. While most are aware of the quandary that envelops their lives, nonetheless, they have little understanding of what they can do or how they can do it to escape from their unpleasant present. They simply fail to realize that the paradigms which have formed over their lifetime have tremendous influence over what they think, what they say, and what they do.

The past, rightfully or wrongly, can influence your present and future. 

The paradigms that have formed over your past, either rightly or wrongly, determine where you end up in the future. The Source not only created a connective web between each and every object large and small, but, also created a connective web between each and every one of the billions and trillions of cells in our bodies. Hence, each and every cell within your physical body records and saves every occurrence that happens in your life.

Our cells download our daily occurrences, and then influence our thoughts, words, and deeds

So, if you wanted to lose weight in the past and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to earn more monthly income and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to find a meaningful relationship with a person and failed, that is recorded. Then when you are faced in the future with wanting to lose weight, make enough money to be financially independent, or find a meaningful relationship, your cells download the information found in your past thoughts, words, and actions in the form a paradigm which is consistent with your past experiences. It is of little wonder that many of us are unable to break away from our unpleasant present to achieve a wonderful future.

How can we break away from our unwanted paradigms? 

The first step to break away from the errant paradigms which control our lives is awareness. We should constantly monitor how the past affects our present thoughts, words, and actions. When attempting to change from our unpleasant present, it is imperative that we realize the past is the past and the present is what changes our future. Our future is malleable if we allow the Source to guide us each and every step of the way in our journey to happiness, health, and wealth.

Focus upon your present goal and not your past failure 

The next step to change old paradigms is to relax and focus your full attention upon your goals. Be aware that your present state cannot be changed when you are in a state of agitation, stress, or turmoil.

Relax…stress cannot and does not help you achieve your goals

Stress or anxiety about your present unpleasant situation blocks the connection between you and the Source. On the other hand, the deep positive feelings of relaxation create a strong and vital connection between you and the Source. When overwhelmed by a negative paradigm, breathe deeply and feel the positive energy that accompanies relaxation. As you deeply inhale and exhale, allow the universe to provide all that you are entitled to receive from our benevolent Source.

Expressing gratitude is greater for goal achievement than feeling anxiety 

Now, express sincere gratitude to the Source no matter what your present unpleasant is, it is the sure way to dismantle old paradigms and create new ones. When you fully accept the present and that you are truly grateful for all that you have and experience at the moment, the universe opens the floodgates of abundance to and for you. You see, with this positive attitude, the negatives are taken away and replaced by contentment which manifests true peace that helps to enrich your life as no physical object can.

Faith and belief can manifest new paradigms in your life

Finally, new paradigms can be formed by the positive feelings which are accompanied by faith and belief. When in this state of mind, you attract positive energy and repel negative energy. As you repel negative energy you overwrite negative paradigms with new positive paradigms.

You can create a new life for yourself

You are fully capable of reprogramming your past and present unsuccessful paradigms into future successful paradigms. It takes awareness, relaxation, gratitude, faith, and belief to connect with the Source to manifest magnificent changes in your life.




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“Big goals do not manifest from small efforts.”

photo-1456694441711-af0ab2d64c96Become aware of the Natural Laws

Some would have you believe that achieving a tremendous goal in your life is accomplished by merely sitting back and waiting until everything that is required to achieve the goal aligns between and amongst themselves to then simply manifest before your eyes. While this sounds very compelling to those who lack awareness, it is less intriguing to those who are aware of the Natural Laws of the universe and furthermore, it is somewhat of a simplistic view of the true workings of the universe.

Harnessing the Natural Laws for success

Now, this is not to say that you must work hard and sacrifice your physical health and your spiritual Self to achieve a goal. Far from it, rather, manifesting your goal is about harnessing the Natural Laws to work for you as you work with the Laws. Thus, we witness a symbiotic relationship occurring with both parties benefiting from the interface of our goals with the benevolent Source instead of a one-sided relationship where we receive everything and contribute nothing to achieve what is offered freely from the Source.

Change your present to change your future

It is important to fully comprehend the process of goal achieving or we simply repeat what we have done in the past and naturally, since our attempts failed in the past then they certainly will fail again in the future if nothing changes. First, even though it may seem to be contradictory to common sense, you should plan big goals to achieve the success that you want to reach and the success that is freely provided by the Source.

Focus upon BIG goals, ones that you don’t know how to achieve

When you plan your goal, if you know how to achieve that goal at the moment that you set it, then it is far too small of a goal. You are clearly underachieving with this stratagem as you are freely admitting that your outer world is ruling your inner world. This is playing it safe, however, do not be afraid of setting tremendous goals; set them and have full confidence in the unerring laws of the universe to manifest your goals.

Why do you need to accomplish your goal? 

Second, it is critical for success to focus upon the solution and not focus upon the problem. When approaching goal setting from a state of want, this will only keep the want in the present and future since you are in a state of lack and not in a state of abundance. Instead, it is key to wrap your mind around the idea of not only focusing upon what you want, but, why you need it. For example, rather than focus upon only the need to earn a specific monthly amount of money (the problem), focus upon your family enjoying a nice home or having an extended vacation at a very nice tropical setting (the solution).

Your focus determines your achievements 

And there are other examples to apply which have you refocus upon the why and not only the want: you want to start you own business since you are afraid of being fired from your present job vs. you start you own business and enjoy more family time and your children can attend and graduate from a good college. With the proper focus, you are attracting the goal to you and not repelling it from you. And one last thing to consider, do not wait until you achieve your goal before you believe…believe it first in order to achieve it.

Faith and belief creates peace along your path to success

Third, once you have the faith and belief to set that tremendous goal, it is now imperative to relax, with meditation and visualization sessions, and wait until the means to achieve your goal is provided to you by the benevolent Source.

Listen to your inner voice

Take time to be still, to shut-out the noise around you and to get in touch with the deepest part of your Self. You will not be disappointed; however, you must be patient and not become anxious or nervous if the answer does not immediately become apparent to you.

Action follows after you discovered your plan 

Still, once you have heard the plan how to achieve your goal from the Source, you must act upon it immediately. Take time to write-up a plan of action and then work at it and not half-heartedly. Even though the Source will provide the path to your goal, you must not sit by idly and wait until the goal comes to you, you must take the initiative to take those steps needed to achieve your final goal.

BIG thinking and action manifest results 

At the end of the day, it is easy to understand that a big effort is no more than big thinking; it has been said that achieving a small goal takes just as much energy as it takes to achieve a big goal. The Source will provide all that is required to achieve what you can perceive, still, if you make a half-hearted effort the result will be far less than what you can achieve. Face your life with a think big attitude and you will be surprised where that road takes you.



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“Thoughts are things; things that are offered freely, directly, and solely to us from the Source.”

thoughtsCosmic timelessness and thoughts

Since that single moment of cosmic timelessness, the Source has created millions upon millions of different and exotic creatures throughout our earthly home. In the process of creating this multitude of life forms, humankind stands out as one given a truly miraculous gift – thought. While we are granted thought from a benevolent Creator, most do not understand or believe in the power and the application of thought to receive what is freely, directly, and solely offered to us by the Source.

How can we receive our sacred gift? 

In order to receive this gift from the Source, you must separate the purity of spiritual thought from the white noise of physical thought. That is to say, the sacred abounds in thoughts of love, faith, gratitude and compassion while the secular abounds in thoughts of jealousy, envy, greed, and fear.

Thoughts and achievement 

The benefit of thought comes freely from the Source. Regardless of our age, location, gender, or education – we all have an equal opportunity to freely receive and openly act upon thought. Science has identified a universal web or net of energy which we can all tap into to achieve our desires, hence, the Creator provides both the thought and the means to achieve the thought. However, it is not idle thought, it is clear and specific thought of what we want which leads us on the path to achieve that which we truly desire.

Don’t let others control your thoughts 

Even though we have the best of intentions to apply our thoughts to achieve our goals, all too often we allow others to stop our thoughts before they even begin to grow. Still, abundance permeates the universe – it is a Law. There is no limit to what we can freely receive from the Source except the limitations we place upon the Law. We simply do not know what heights we can achieve until we attempt to achieve them.

How do we receive thoughts?

Since the Source is in, around, and of us, we directly receive our thoughts from the One. All you need to do is sit quietly and listen to your lungs expelling your warm breath and your heart pumping your pure blood to comprehend this miracle and as your body functions independently of you, you begin to hear the inner music that is playing within your soul.

Does our DNA contain divinity?

Perhaps, the divine arrangement is nestled away in our DNA; what more efficient and effective place to harbor the sacred connection with the universe than within each and every cell of our earthly bodies. The answers to our most sacred thoughts are stored deep within each and every one of us…we only need to accept what is directly sent to us and through us from the benevolent Source.

Our thoughts make us unique

At this point in time, science suggests that humankind is the only creature on earth that has benefited from the thoughts that are provided to us and for us from the Source. Since each of us has the ability to share concepts, ideas, and messages with others of our species, surely, the main purpose of the gift is to endorse and promote the greatness of the Source.

Share our gift with others or live with limitations?

However, although we are given this special and sacred gift, we also have the choice to live a spiritual life and pass along the divine message that exists and permeates universal timelessness or to close our minds and our hearts and live a life bound by earthly limitations.

Accept our most prized possession

We need to accept and express our thoughts with great care since we are the recipients chosen to freely, directly, and solely receive the most prized of possessions throughout the universe. At the end of the day, use your gift wisely to express gratitude to the originator of all thought.


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“Be still within the turmoil of everyday life – how else can you achieve true success in life?”

clothesWhat is my place in the universe?

In our life, there is nothing more rewarding than the satisfaction of knowing our place in the universe, our reason for being here, and our connection with the Source. While being in a truly sacred place in life at the moment is the most gratifying and fulfilling for humankind, for most, this is an elusive goal. It is only when the noise of the outer world is blocked-out that we begin to experience the joy of the inner world.

Achieving your goal at any price

We live in a chaotic world where our purpose in life has morphed into How much can I get for myself? And without a single thought of the real cost to anyone or anybody, we run around grabbing at any means to achieve our goal with little regard of your goal. Companies design marketing programs which lead the masses to believe that they simply must have a particular product to be a somebody or a someone in the modern world.

Material goods do not make a person  

However, it doesn’t stop there; this monstrous selling machine has no conscience as it grinds out every last penny of profit for greedy stockholders and owners from consumers. It is troubling to find that a person in today’s society is measured by the price of their purse, the status of their watch, and the public’s perception of their car. And sadly, if you or a loved one cannot pay for their vision of how to attain self-worth and happiness, you are a failure. As a result of their marketing muscle, we blindly buy into their ideas how to achieve true happiness and fulfillment in life.  It is no wonder that individuals and society in general suffer so greatly.

Meditation helps us move forward to spiritual satisfaction 

It is time to break away from our modern day obsession with material goods as our only purpose and only goal in life. Rather than focus your full attention and energy upon your worldly Self; focus upon your inner Self where the true mansions of happiness and fulfillment exist. A good place to start this journey to override the need to have something or to be someone is to meditate on a regular basis.

Intuition is a true measurement of Self 

Meditation has many psychological and physiological benefits and it is not just sitting cross-legged on the floor chanting and burning incense. Rely upon your intuition to decide upon your Self worth. Just as the Source created unique snowflakes; each and every one of us was created with a special purpose in life which runs deeper than what we own. Receive inner satisfaction from nature and the everyday experiences. While we can receive material goods in life, first, experience the sacred connection with the Source to quiet the noise around you and truly experience a meaningful and happy life.

Redefine your purpose in the universe

As we enter into a new millennium, it is time we open our eyes to the injustices of mass consumerism and redefine our place in the universe, our purpose, and our connection with the Source; this is the way to achieve and sustain true happiness and fulfillment in this earthly life.


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“What is Plan B?”

whatEarning money on a book he didn’t write

In today’s world, it is unsettling to discover that many are promoting spiritual commercialism as a means to achieve one’s goals in life. Oh, they don’t package and promote it under that moniker, rather, they conceal it under a myriad of claims including working with the Natural Laws to change your life to one of abundance and worldly wealth and fame. Just the other day one guru openly admitted, and proudly sorry to say, that he had earned in excess of $100,000 on a self-help book he didn’t even write. Isn’t there something disturbing about this revelation? Surely, on the visceral level, we understand that their books and their seminars and their DVD’s and their podcasts and their movies have nothing to do with spirituality and enlightenment. Rather, the focus is to funnel money into their bank accounts and not spirituality into our souls.

“So, what is Plan B?”

If we recognize the falsities that abound before us, we must also realize the need to have a plan to find inner peace as well as achieve what we want in life and what the Source rightly provides to and for us. Currently, the collective consciousness focuses upon material wealth, then physical health, and lastly our spiritual Self. If we imagine our life as a three-sided triangle, our lives have been inverted at a great cost of spiritual, emotional, and societal ills for all of humankind. That being said, we need to place our most prized possession, our spirituality as first, our overall health second, and our material wealth last.

Live in the now

Each of us can begin the road to spiritual recovery if we joyfully live in the now,  gratefully accept where we are right now, and genuinely have 100% faith and belief in the Source right now. You see, we must attain our spiritual Self before we can truly gain material wealth that will sustain our lives for the future. If we focus upon bigger homes, shinier cars, and costlier goods at the cost of spirituality, the novelty soon wears off, we become disillusioned and want even bigger and shinier and costlier toys. So to speak, we’re always chasing our tail. Shift your emphasis in life off of material goods and onto spirituality; feel the warmth of the sun, hear the sweet singing of the birds, experience complete peace with your relationship to the Source. Receive inner strength and guidance and the rest will come naturally.

Is it really spirituality?

What is most detrimental to humankind; a doctrine that manipulates the masses for profit and control or spirituality built upon false pretenses in exchange for monetary profits? We must see through this false spirituality and pursue true spirituality to achieve a meaningful, healthy, and prosperous life which goes far beyond expensive or exclusive or exotic goods.

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“Life is not a miracle – it is a planned miracle.”


Immutable Laws – not chance, luck or fate

The universe and each constituent part of the universe, however large or small, is bound by immutable laws, and as such, are not governed by fate or luck or just mere coincidence. The Source planned all that we experience within our spiritual realm and without our physical world to glorify the omnipresence and benevolence of the One.

Exacting laws, smallest balances, and finest ratios

The very existence of the Cosmos and everything that exists within this vast realm of space hangs in the balance of exacting laws, smallest balances, and finest ratios. Many leading scientists are of the belief that if the universe slows down by a nanosecond, it would implode; if the universe accelerates by a nanosecond, it would tear itself apart; and if the delicate balance of Earth’s atmosphere alters even slightly, most life on our planet as we know it would perish. Hence, when we consider the speed of the planets, the rate of expansion of the universe, the ratio of gases within the Earth’s atmosphere, we must ask ourselves how could each of the millions and millions of elements attain and sustain a perfect state of harmony and exactness within and between all the heavenly bodies if not for divine intervention of the Source?

Supreme Intelligence and The Laws 

The discoveries within new physics, from the likes of Max Planck, David Bohm, and John Wheeler and their ideas of quantum physics, is coming closer than ever to proving scientifically without any doubt that the Source exists and is the creator of the universe and life as we know it. Naturally, this finding will support what the founding legends of many ancient cultures and all formal religions have been espousing for centuries: if there is a beginning, there is a beginner. And intelligence, only supreme intelligence, can fine-tune the laws, the balances, and the ratios which create and sustain our cosmos and ourselves.

Our concepts may be holding us back from realizing the truth

While we are approaching a profound time in human history, there is a still an issue in many minds if the Source is indeed responsible for the planned creation of humankind and the cosmos. It appears that part of the problem is our concept of the Source. Over time immemorial, since the true physical manifestation of the Source is indefinable by our language and unimaginable in our minds, it is the ancient texts, the arts, and the media which are responsible for the anthropomorphism of the Source. Hence, it is of little wonder we are skeptical of our origins as we envision a grey-bearded man sitting on a throne as he benevolently surveys his kingdom.

We are a planned miracle

Enjoy inner peace with the knowledge that we are the product of a planned miracle, and as such, our future achievements in love and life do not rest upon luck or fate or chance.


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Does life only exist within the seen world?

6. Life is now and here 

(Osho’s Sixth New Commandment)

Life exists everywhere

Life is all around us; when we open our eyes and see a translucent blue sky high overhead ablaze with yellow sunshine, we come alive; when we walk along a mountain stream and hear the pure rushing waters, we come alive; and when we touch the warm cheek of our love, we come alive. These physical sensations are capable of satiating our primordial yearnings as we are constantly reminded that we are alive, one who lives in the third dimension.

blurred_linesLive within the metaphysical world 

Our five senses…smell, sight, touch, taste, and sound…act as our connection with the physical world. These allow us to navigate and survive the seen world, the world around us that can be measured, monitored, and manipulated. Although they are a multiplicity, they are nonetheless a commonality that is shared by all of humanity. Yet, it is not without a steep price; many are so wrapped up in the sensations they receive and enjoy from their immediate physical world they neglect to experience what true wonders surround them in their metaphysical world.

Life consists of endless possibilities 

Perhaps, we are half alive; permanently sleep walking so to speak when all we can conceive and believe in and of life is what we acquire from our five physical senses. We must wipe the sleep from our half-opened eyes and see what life is, it is not an illusion, but a reality that is boundless, endless, limitless. Quantum physicists are of the opinion that the unseen world of molecules holds all possibilities at this specific moment, and it is merely our focus that causes one of our many possibilities to become our one reality.

Listen to your own conductor

However, we do not need science or white-coated scientists to validate that life exists at various levels and with its many possibilities and outcomes; we only need to listen to the music that plays within our souls to validate our true feelings and innate knowledge about what it is, where it is, and how it is. Listen attentively to the music you hear within your soul, created by a conductor, musicians, and musical instruments…there is no need to look without when the answer to life, your life is within. Be yourself, but not another. That what you collect from others, read from books, or watch from the news is not real, it is but a superficial here and now and has little truth or meaning in this life.

Here is not the only now 

Be aware of the real here and now and not the unreal here and now. When we are only here and now, we are far away from truth; when we are only here and now, we are far away from the Source; when we are only here and now, we are far away from reality.  While we are far away from the truth the truth is never far away from you; when you are far away from the Source, the Source is never far away from you; while you are far away from reality; reality is not far away from you. It is living by your physical senses that keep the truth far away, the Source far away, and reality far away.

Potential is without a number 

There is not just one here and now…there exists many here’s and now’s at this exact moment, and all of them teaming with a myriad of possibility and potentiality. So, to only focus upon the seen is a travesty, one that limits your level of consciousness and awareness. We are looking at life with a tarnished mirror, one that distorts the reality of what we are looking at, what we are admiring, and what we are searching for. However, it is when we accept that there are various here’s and now’s that we truly see life as it is, not one that is shrouded by a dense fog that creates illusions. There is life with truth when we comprehend that the unseen and seen worlds are one of singularity, and each must be experienced in this life.


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What is the greatest source of love?

4. Love is prayer

(Osho’s Fourth New Commandment)

We commit self-arson 

The world is aflame with the negative energy that is created by envy, jealously, hatred, and fear. Our thoughts, words, and deeds provide the kindling for us to commit acts of arson upon our minds and our souls, and as we relinquish our minds and souls to a blazing pyre, we suffer spiritually, emotionally, and physically from our acts.

header19This is the scenario we face when we read the newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the news…it is of little wonder that we also face a myriad of diseases created by the ills we commonly share in our modern day life. Yet, it does not have to be the norm…these black clouds of negativity can be the exception if we return to the love of the Source, the one who loves each of us regardless of our gender, intellect, location or age. How?

Our sacred connection to the Source

Prayer is the sacred connection between the Source and yourself. It is a selfish act that flushes the negative out of your life and replaces it with the positive in your life. You are given free will to make the decision to surround yourself with positive energy or to surround yourself with negative energy…both forms of energy cannot coexist at the same time and in the same space. These possibilities present themselves to you, but in the end, it is your choice which one you live your life by.  We must lead our souls and minds down the pathway of love in order to find the love that exists at every turn and bend in our journey of life.

No need to pray on bended knees 

Many believe they need to be upon bended knees in order to initiate and experience the sacred connection between themselves and the Source, this is not the case. It is not about being in a hallowed building that houses the relics from the past or the symbols of piety…it’s the feelings that you hold inside for the Source. Words alone cannot and do not hold the answers to your prayers, you must experience the love within before it can manifest without. Hence, prayer can occur within when walking through a forest, strolling along an urban avenue, or looking into the eyes of your love.

Prayer is love and love is prayer 

Prayer creates the love that purifies, the love that sanctifies, the love that amplifies. Love is all and all is love when manifested by prayer. Prayer manifests the emotion of love that attracts and thrives on love; the thoughts of love that sustains love; and the acts of love that  retains love.

Our prayers are of love, our prayers are from love, our prayers are with love…why are we unable to see the obvious in this life. We see hate and not love. We see greed and not love. Put aside the hate and invite the love, the love that manifests as we pray of joy and purpose in this life.