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“Fulfillment occurs when you conquer your inner world; fulfillment does not occur when you conquer your outer world.”

photo-1416331108676-a22ccb276e35Material wealth doesn’t necessarily lead to happiness

In modern times, while we appear to have greater material wealth than in the past, these kinds of riches do not guarantee a greater sense of happiness, security, and fulfillment. You only need to look at the rate of suicide, substance abuse, and a myriad of forms of self-destructive behavior to understand that material wealth is not directly associated with spiritual wealth. This is not a promotion for Money is Bad – that is not my intention, rather, the love of material goods at the expense of your spirituality is the issue.

Does history repeat itself? 

Even though we may face these tragedies in our world, humankind appears to be on a similar path which we witness from almost a century ago. In the 1920’s, eight of the richest financiers in the USA controlled a greater share of the countries’ money than the government.

Wealth can lead you down two paths 

This powerful and wealthy group consisted of a Who’s Who from the time including presidents of banks, securities firms, and Wall Street as well as the President’s Cabinet member. While they were wealthy in the early part of the 20th century, within a mere two decades, these public figures suffered greatly: Leo Fraser committed suicide; Arthur Cutton died penniless; Charles Schwab died bankrupt; Jesse Livermore killed himself, Howard Hopson went insane; Richard Whitney a prisoner in Sing Sing Penitentiary, Ivar Krueger died a suicide; and Albert Fall earned early release from prison to die at home. In spite of their tremendous wealth, these men died either by than own hand or insolvent. While they clearly understood how to accumulate wealth, they did not understand how to live fulfilled.

Negativity manifests from disharmony

When we only focus upon material wealth…the demons of self-importance, self-indulgence, self-deprecation, and self-destruction can accompany us along the way. These negative thoughts can then result in disharmony and negative vibrations which do us physical as well as spiritual harm.

Positive vibrations manifest harmony

On the other hand, when you pursue loftier goals first, you are filled with self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-love which results in positive vibrations that support wellness in your physical and spiritual realms.

Conquer your spiritual world for true happiness and fulfillment

Conquering your physical world does not and will not provide the balance in your life which leads to lasting and joyous fulfillment. Conquering your spiritual world does and will provide the true balance in life which leads to lasting and joyous fulfillment.