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“Love the process not the product.”

Attaining success is as precise as any mathematical formula 

Achieving one’s desires is made possible by the fact that Natural Laws exist in the universe and they are as precise as any mathematical formula. As well, each and every one is under the influence of these Laws; there are no exclusions due to gender, location, age, or sex. And as a result of these immutable Laws, there are several time-proven techniques that help us to achieve what we set our hearts and souls upon.

Visualization helps us achieve success 

Many use visualization of either their goal’s features or benefits to arrive at what they set their sights upon. As we focus upon features, it is easier to reach goals when we add our five senses to our sessions. Touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell are the jet fuel that accelerates the process and supports us in our journey of physical and spiritual achievements. However, some find that they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with fully opening-up and using their complete sensory facilities as a focus of their visualization sessions. If you have tried this technique and have come to the conclusion that it is not for you there is another means available to you; focus your attention upon the benefits of achieving your goal for your Self and for your family.

Focus upon enjoying the benefits, not the features of your goal 

There is a shift in your focus as you dwell upon the benefits and not the features of the goal. Hence, rather than focusing upon that genuine calf leather seats and unique paint job of your new sports car, you focus upon the pride of ownership or your reduced carbon footprint by owning such a unique automobile. Also, a better job provides more money available to send your child to a prestigious college; more retirement income provides more freedom to travel and see the world; and more education provides a more fulfilling life.

Still haven’t attracted success? 

While these two techniques stand under the scrutiny of time and practice, they also provide a workable framework to achieve our goals, still, there are some who have tried these and have not been successful at reaching their goals. They witness others around them achieving their goals and then they feel frustrated, resentment, pity, envy, and other feelings which eventually lead them to giving-up all together and staying in their unpleasant present for perhaps their entire lifetime.

Awareness helps to achieve what you want in life

They have abandoned their goals and have embraced a negative vibratory state, this is a very unfulfilling way to live life since the Source openly provides the means to achieve what we desire, it is our awareness that helps us to achieve what we want and to identify alternate roads to the journey’s end.

Focus upon the process and not the product

There is yet another alternative to achieving your goals and that is to focus upon the process and not the features or benefits of the product. What I mean is that rather than focus upon a new job, or more income, or more goods – which focus upon the product or your end goal, focus upon the process of making those daily steps to your goal and not the end goal itself. For example, you are aware that your company is closing and you will need to find a new job. However, you never earned that college degree or your skills need to be updated since you’ve worked at the same job and at the same company for years.

Be proactive in life  

Rather than waiting for the inevitable and feeling fear and anxiety as most would in this position, be proactive and immediately find a school or program that will get you to the next level to be employable. When you have found that ideal course or degree, then focus upon the here and now and enjoy each moment. Enjoy the positive energy in the classroom with your classmates; enjoy the test of learning new skills; enjoy the grade that you earn from your mid-term test.

Live each moment of the journey and not just for the finish line

With this technique, you set the goal and do not revisit it every day or every hour. You enjoy each moment as it is and there is no pressure upon hitting that end goal since it is not your immediate focus.

What you want and what you achieve can manifest a negative state 

It appears to me that the problems start when you set the goal and then things aren’t progressing as you want and you notice there is a big gap between what you want and where you are. Then the negative feelings set in and this can only result in being in a negative vibratory state which can never bring you closer to your end goal no matter how hard you try to visualize the end product or the many benefits that accompany your greatest want.

Focus upon features or benefits?

Focusing upon features works for some, focusing upon benefits works for others, however, there are some who cannot achieve their goals with either of these proven techniques. For whatever reason, they are unable to effectively use these techniques and rather than give-up and face an unfulfilled life, there is a viable alternative to help you achieve your goals.

Focus upon each moment of the process and not the joy of the product

Focus upon the process and not the product; focus upon each joyous moment as you progress to your goal. Focus upon the little victories as you take the next step in your journey. And as your focus remains upon the process and not the end product, in time you will overcome and succeed where you once believed that there was no hope to attain the lofty heights you had imagined.

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“The Source: enigma of our past, our present, and our future.”

Since the dawn of humankind…

Since the dawn of humankind, we have been in great wonder and awe of the Creator of our universe and everything that exists around us. While we have been perplexed by this all pervasive entity, the ancients viewed the Creator in many forms and an equal amount of legends emerge telling us of various capabilities and wondrous events.

The Source is beyond understanding with our five senses  

It is likely that the Source appears to be enigmatic in our collective eyes since we are unable to comprehend an entity that wields so much power and such immense intelligence, is beyond the grasp of our five senses, and does not exist within this time/space continuum as we understand other objects and entities do so.

There is no beginning and there is no end 

The first major hurdle to comprehend and overcome when we are attempting to accept the Source as the cause and effect of creation is the idea that there is no beginning and there is no ending. In the present physical existence humankind finds itself in, we are conditioned that everything has a start and everything has a finish. Our life has a beginning and our life has an ending; relationships begin and relationships end; seasons begin and seasons end; and friendships begin and friendships end.

Our conditioning has failed us 

This is what we expect and accept within this plane of existence and deem it impossible and improbable that something can have no beginning and no ending. However, we view the Source through the jaundiced eyes of our physical realm of existence although this entity does not adhere to our understanding and definition of human space, human volume, or human time.

From nothing came everything 

Another concern of many is that when the moment of creation occurred, in that nano-second in time, all physical and non-physical things were created in the same instant. As a result, all the thoughts, knowledge, experiences, situations, and people necessary to achieve our goals were created as well. This must be so since all things including thoughts, knowledge, experiences, situations, and people are energy, vibrational energy, and since energy can neither be created nor destroyed it merely takes on a different state than the present state that we see or understand at the present moment.

We are vibrational energy as everything is  

We believe that such things as thought and knowledge were not created at the sacred moment and all the while we also believe that physical bodies end our earthly existence and our future existence as well. Hence, while we have taken on a physical body, nonetheless, we are still part of the Source due to our vibrational energy and must return to the One when our earthy time has expired.  And the same can be said about thoughts, knowledge, experiences, and situations; even though they may have manifested as entities, they are still part of the primordial energy and must remain as such.

The Natural Laws are the grease that sustain and maintain the universe 

Next, there are those who are concerned that the universe does not maintain and sustain itself based upon precise Natural Laws that were created by the Source. There are a myriad of Laws that are concise as any mathematical formula which allow us to send rockets to the moon and satellites to distant stars while we plan and time each step in their journey within a fraction of a second to achieve success. These Laws hold together the universe, keep our planet in the correct orbit, and provide the proper atmosphere for us to live life here on Earth.

We can’t see the Natural Laws but we can see their effects 

Furthermore, we are unable to see gravity or magnetic fields, merely the effects of the Natural Laws, although they exist and can be proven scientifically. For example, when we throw a football or a baseball, we never doubt for a moment that it will eventually fall to earth as gravity takes over and pulls the ball to the ground. And when it comes to seeing the influence of the Natural laws, we do not even see the objects with our eyes as such, rather, we see objects as vibrational forces which we then transform into objects. Still, the continuance of the universe is not and never will be fate or luck or coincidence.

The Source is our benevolent care giver

Now, many are hard pressed to believe that the Source is a benevolent one when they witness such suffering and sadness on this earthly plane of existence. However, we are put through pain and pleasure as a true measure of our Self. We receive pleasure since we can accept it; and we receive pain since we can accept it. We are only given what we can endure, and we endure such trials as a means to grow past a problem we have faced in the past or we face in the present. If we were only given pleasure, would we grow as spiritual beings? If we were given only pain, would we grow as spiritual beings?

Trust the Source…express your gratitude 

We must trust the Source to give us what we need to grow and develop into more spiritual beings, therefore, do not question why you get doses of pain and pleasure. Rather, feel gratitude for the pain and pleasure you receive since these both forge a more spiritual being.

The Source exists within each of us, we are inseparable 

Finally, many are of the opinion that the Source is located in some far-away place and with little compassion for the human race or any other creature that inhabits the universe. However, the Source exists within and around each of us regardless of the place, our gender, age, or social rank. You cannot separate the inseparable, however, you can lose focus and awareness of the sacred connection which then leads us to believe that the Source is anything but benevolent.

Listen to your inner voice to guide you, to protect you

Each of us only has to listen to the voice deep within us to know if we are in harmony or disharmony with the Source. Harmony is about love and compassion and helping others while disharmony is about fear and hate and taking advantage of others. Each of us has that option and hence, free will to make choices. You have the choice to lead a life guided by spirituality or you have a choice to lead a life guided by physicality. Those choices which serve us best are those that put the Source first and then others next.

You have a choice to enjoy endless possibilities 

While the Source continues to be enigmatic in many people’s eyes, there are those who have a deep and solid connection who believe otherwise. The ones who hold the Source first live a life of boundless opportunities and joy while those who hold the physical plane of existence first live a life of fear and frustration never even realizing that they have the same opportunities to feel free and joyful in this physical realm of existence. The choice is yours.

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“True happiness manifests from negotiation with your Self; true happiness does not manifest from competition with others.”

The new mentality 

The new mentality appears to be one where a person must win at all costs and without any regard for ethics or the wrongdoings to humankind or the environment. The media plays this one up where you are Number 1 when you beat the competition down and stand like a triumphant gladiator over a bloodied opponent in the Roman Coliseum. However, this selfish; ME at all cost attitude, can only produce ephemeral happiness and not true happiness which is sustained over a person’s lifetime.

photo-1462040015891-7c792246b10eAre you living your life by negotiation or competition? 

A person can live their life through negotiation or competition: the former being in a positive state of vibration while the latter in a negative state of vibration. In a competitive mindset, a person always must outdo their colleagues, their neighbors, their own family members. The act of beating another person is tied to and reflected by the winner’s perception of self-worth: they rationalize if I can own bigger, costlier, and rarer objects than you, then I am worth more to my Self and worth more than your Self.

Your self-esteem can be battered or bolstered  

So, when you discover that a friend or colleague has a smaller house, your esteem soars but when you find a friend or colleague with a bigger house your self-esteem takes a dive. And that goes for the model of your car, your watch, your vacations, and any of your earthly possessions. When you base your life and your self-worth upon material goods, you’ll never have the biggest, best, or brightest toy.

Negotiation manifests a higher sense of awareness 

True happiness comes when you are constantly in negotiation with your Self. Negotiation focuses upon the awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions at the very moment. As you monitor your thoughts, words, and actions along the Continuum of Awareness, you are striving to be the best you can and the best for humankind. You negotiate your current state of mind to be in a higher state of awareness.

Set aside your ego to attain your goals 

You set aside your ego to attain your goals with your life’s journey while encapsulating faith, gratitude, compassion, and ethics. You fully understand that your results occur within cosmic timelessness. You place your faith and belief in the Source to align all the circumstances, persons, and objects that are required to achieve your goal and ultimately your happiness.

How to create positive energy

Your thoughts create the flow of positive energy which effortlessly manifests goals for you, hence, no worry, no fear, no envy, no jealousy, no competition.

Material possessions are temporary, your soul is permanent 

In the end, no matter how many material possessions you accumulate in your life, you will not have a minute longer on Earth, you will not be better than anyone else, and you will not have greater happiness. The noted French philosopher Voltaire wrote ‘Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.’ You can instantly achieve the dizzying heights of an eagle and be free of negative thoughts and negative vibrations when you make the decision to be in constant negotiation with your Self and not to be in constant competition with others.

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Search not, it already is what it is

10. Do not search. That which is, is. 

(Osho’s Tenth New Commandment)

Why do we run? 

We run here and we run there trying to find the best deal, the best relationship, the best job. However, as we frantically scurry this way and that trying to find what we think is the best deal, the best relationship, or the best job we miss the true opportunities that lie before our eyes. Our eyes remain closed to the possibilities at hand. Our energy is taken in our search for what we already have in our hand, in our heart, and before our eyes because we unable to discern between what is best and what simply is.

Why do we run towards illusions? 

Back cover 1As we run to what we think is the best of the best for us, we have our eyes and heart focused upon the wrong things…these are merely illusions of the best that are presented to us in the physical world. These are distractions of what is real, what is worthy of running towards and running after. These things are not the best, they are camouflaged by a veneer of untruths whose sole purpose is to divert your attention from what is real, what is worthy, what is.

Universal perfection

The universe is perfect…it is what it is because is it perfection; it runs on universal timelessness, and it runs on a myriad of Natural Laws that are so precise, so exact, so unerring, that it has sustained itself by these same laws for billions of years. If the universe is perfect, then all space, things, and life within the universe are perfect…the parts are a perfect as the whole, it can be no other way. Imperfection cannot live within perfection…perfection cannot live within imperfection.  Hence, all is perfect; and as such each person, animal, planet, and star that resides within a perfect universe is perfect.

Perfection is by design…not by chance, luck or fate

Since we are perfect, we must ask our Self…is it by chance, luck or fate that we are perfect. Perfection is innate in you, me, the eagle, the seashore, the sunlight…hence, it is perfection by design. The gears of the universe run as they do because they are designed to do so, and because they indicate design there must be a designer. A design is created by a designer for and to a purpose; thus, the purpose must reflect what is meant to be and why it is meant to be so.

It is perfect…it is as it is 

There is no need to search; there is no need to run here and run there; and there is no need to fear what is…it is because it is meant to be, as such not to be searched for, run after, or feared from.

Accept the is

When you accept that what is, it is the best for you, it is the outcome, it is the reality…which is not masked by illusion or untruth. Ask not why it is, rather, flow along with the is as a river does on its way to the sea. The river never asks why it flows or where it flows to, that decision is made for it; thus, it focuses upon the is of the journey, the moment, the as it is, and not the end result.


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What is the greatest source of love?

4. Love is prayer

(Osho’s Fourth New Commandment)

We commit self-arson 

The world is aflame with the negative energy that is created by envy, jealously, hatred, and fear. Our thoughts, words, and deeds provide the kindling for us to commit acts of arson upon our minds and our souls, and as we relinquish our minds and souls to a blazing pyre, we suffer spiritually, emotionally, and physically from our acts.

header19This is the scenario we face when we read the newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the news…it is of little wonder that we also face a myriad of diseases created by the ills we commonly share in our modern day life. Yet, it does not have to be the norm…these black clouds of negativity can be the exception if we return to the love of the Source, the one who loves each of us regardless of our gender, intellect, location or age. How?

Our sacred connection to the Source

Prayer is the sacred connection between the Source and yourself. It is a selfish act that flushes the negative out of your life and replaces it with the positive in your life. You are given free will to make the decision to surround yourself with positive energy or to surround yourself with negative energy…both forms of energy cannot coexist at the same time and in the same space. These possibilities present themselves to you, but in the end, it is your choice which one you live your life by.  We must lead our souls and minds down the pathway of love in order to find the love that exists at every turn and bend in our journey of life.

No need to pray on bended knees 

Many believe they need to be upon bended knees in order to initiate and experience the sacred connection between themselves and the Source, this is not the case. It is not about being in a hallowed building that houses the relics from the past or the symbols of piety…it’s the feelings that you hold inside for the Source. Words alone cannot and do not hold the answers to your prayers, you must experience the love within before it can manifest without. Hence, prayer can occur within when walking through a forest, strolling along an urban avenue, or looking into the eyes of your love.

Prayer is love and love is prayer 

Prayer creates the love that purifies, the love that sanctifies, the love that amplifies. Love is all and all is love when manifested by prayer. Prayer manifests the emotion of love that attracts and thrives on love; the thoughts of love that sustains love; and the acts of love that  retains love.

Our prayers are of love, our prayers are from love, our prayers are with love…why are we unable to see the obvious in this life. We see hate and not love. We see greed and not love. Put aside the hate and invite the love, the love that manifests as we pray of joy and purpose in this life.

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The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

Nikola Tesla, the Serbian American physicist, inventor, engineer and futurist believed that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Universal energy exists everywhere

According to scientists, universal energy exists in all places and at all times, there is no location and no time where and when it doesn’t exist. Since energy is everywhere we must believe that everything is energy; so, our thoughts, possessions, feelings…all consist of some form of energy with a unique frequency and vibration. This is the good news!

If everything is energy, it appears that our physical world distracts us from this truth so we seldom think of this divine omnipresent gift that surrounds our mind, body, and soul every moment of every day.

In order to reach success let’s start to think cosmically where each of us in the human family is inseparable from the universe and therefore, from the universal energy.

Universal energy is not static…it flows

Energy is not static, it exists and it flows, and it is attracted to like energy having a similar frequency and vibration and it is repelled by unlike energy having a dissimilar frequency and vibration. Where there is universal movement there is power, unlimited power that accompanies the natural flow of universal energy.

How can we tap into universal energy to help us along our pathway to success?

Success is an inflow and outflow of energy   

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after many years of reading and researching self-development and success is that success in life is the result of energy…but not just its presence, rather, the inflow and outflow of energy. This flow affects us and every part of us, and as a result it manifests paradigms in our mind that are fueled by our feelings, words, and actions.

Let’s look at the inflow and outflow of money and how it attracts or repels financial success.

If you buy a book by your favorite author that focuses upon how to achieve financial success, you create an outflow of energy – in this case, the money which you worked for. The author used his energy to create his words and receives your money, an inflow that is reciprocal with the outflow. In return, you receive an inflow of energy from the words and messages you read within that book.

If the book contains truth and a positive message, an inflow of positive energy affects your feelings, thought, words and actions which then create an outflow of positive energy that you send out to the world around you. This type of energy can only attract energy of the same vibration and frequency.

When you are in a positive state of energy, you can only attract a positive flow of energy back to you which then can help you manifest a:

  • successful business
  • fulfilling career
  • or larger bank account.

Since our success is based upon the inflow and outflow of energy, we should be careful about what we read since our interaction with the written word creates energy that we take in and then creates the energy that we put out.

The cycle of energy is infinite  

Now, let’s look at the food we eat and how it affects our potential to achieve physical body success. In this case when I refer to success, it’s not about money or fame, I mean a long healthy life within a healthy body.

All food has a specific frequency and vibration; ‘good’ food has a different set of characteristics than ‘bad’ food which then results in a different affect upon our body. For example, when we eat clean food without chemicals, low in sodium, sugar, and other harmful ingredients we are giving our bodies an opportunity to stay healthy…free of disease.

Since good food introduces positive energy into our bodies, our body reacts accordingly by keeping itself healthy, and that includes a healthy heart and a strong, fit body. The flow of positive energy created by good food can only attract positive energy, and so the cycle of energy is infinite.

We are what we eat!

Positive energy in…positive energy out. This results in a long healthy life.

Retirement, fear, and energy

This time, let’s consider our feelings and the effect they have upon our emotional success or a lack thereof. Retirement is just a few months away and fear starts to creep up upon you as you begin to feel fear for:

  • your health,
  • a scarcity of money,
  • the loss of friends and colleagues.

As you feel fear you begin to think fear; as you begin to think fear you begin to speak words of fear; and when words of fear appear then acts of fear follow.

You are responsible for the paradigm of fear that manifests within your mind and is reflected in all of your feelings, words, and actions. How can you live a happy, long retirement when fear permeates every fiber of your mind, body, and soul?

Once fear takes hold of you it takes you along the pathway of failure and can never take you along the pathway of success.

Rather than feel fear, take control of your emotional state and express the deepest gratitude for who you are, what you have, and what you have accomplished in life.

Gratitude can and will instantly change the state of the energy you attract and repel. Replace fear with optimism to receive the flow of positive universal energy.

Universal energy is the pathway to achieve success

Money, food, and feelings are charged with the primordial energy that permeates the universe.

If we understand that universal energy is the essence of life and the pathway to get the most out of life, we must use our mental ability to attract the flow of positive energy into our life.