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Your results are an echo of the conversations you hold within your mind

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Our life is a reflection of our thoughts

The results we have within our life are a reflection of the thoughts we have within our mind. Thus, every minute of every day we are manifesting the life we desire. And that desire may be the things we love or the things we fear. This must be so since we are creators in the holographic world which we live in.

Carefully monitor your thoughts

Within this world, there is no conscience as to what is good or bad, right or wrong, rather, the Source will deliver to you what you focus your subjective attention upon. As a result, we must carefully monitor the conversation we have with ourselves.

Everything exists at the same time in our holographic universe

One of the principle tenants of a holographic universe is that everything exists everywhere at the same instant. With this being the case, ask yourself…do I want a new car? This possibility exists within our holographic universe. However, it is not the only possibility; there is also the possibility that you will not get that new car.

Your constant mental conversations manifest in your physical world

Or, it may manifest, but not when you want it. It is all about the conversations that resonate within your conscious mind. It is your personal conversations with yourself that manifest what you want or what you fear.  

Our mind is so much more than just matter

It has been said that the mind is not matter but rather pattern: therefore, our mind is not just some complex storage facility for all the experiences we have had in our life. In this age, it is popular to think of the hard drive of our personal computer as a metaphor for our brain. Hence, everything we have seen, said, or even tasted is logically and systematically stored and only waiting for our memory to relive our personal experiences.

Our mind consists of patterns that can be measured

On the contrary, it is much more since scientists have discovered that our mind consists of patterns which correspond to frequencies. This is clearly evident when we consider the results of electroencephalography (EEG) which measures and records electrical activity within our brain.

Like frequencies attract like frequencies; unlike frequencies repel unlike frequencies

We achieve what we believe in our minds since like frequencies attract like frequencies and unlike repel unlike. And it has been shown by modern-day science that each and every object, no matter how big or how small, is just frequency. These frequencies produce vibrations which we cannot see with the naked eye, thus, the solid objects we see around us are just an illusion.

We can control what frequencies inhabit our minds

This is where it gets really exciting: if we have love in our mind we register a certain frequency in our brain which then can only attract love into our life. When we have fear and hate, these emotions also have specific frequencies which can only attract the same. Now picture that new home, or expensive car, or good health…each object produces a different frequency in your mind, which ultimately, can only attract the same back to its place of origin.

We manifest what we create in our mind

You simply cannot escape the thoughts that swirl around in your mind. As they occupy your mind, you have intimate conversations with them, hence, they must manifest as a result of those talks. Be aware that you are either drawing your goal to you or pushing it away and in the end it is your choice.

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Positive expectancy is the driving force that changes problems to solutions, difficulties to possibilities, and adversities to opportunities.

Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

Roadblocks are only temporary detours meant to measure your resolve.

When we set out to accomplish big goals and big dreams, we often run into roadblocks that appear to stop us from achieving what we truly desire in life. However, these are mere detours set before us to test our resolve. Although we encounter problems, difficulties, and adversities along the path to success, The Law of Expectancy can turn these into solutions, possibilities, and opportunities.

We can only receive what we expect to receive.

The Law of Expectancy will bring about big changes in your life as a result of your mental attitude. Because you achieve what you expect to achieve, according to the Law, your attitude sets off a chain reaction to bring about your success. So, we have thoughts of success that cause us to react in a positive manner which draws all the people and circumstances that are necessary to achieve what we want.  

Would you still try after facing 10,000 failures?

Thomas Edison certainly had the Law on his side when it took him over 10,000 attempts to discover the incandescent light bulb. And The Law was working for Sly Stallone when scores of Hollywood studios turned down his script about a prizefighter from Philadelphia.

Defeat is an attitude; success is an attitude.

In spite of repeated failure and rejection, these men had an attitude of victory and not of defeat which helped them get around, through, and over the obstacles that were stopping them from achieving their ultimate goal.  

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t.

It must be said that the opposite is true as well, if we think we can’t then we certainly can’t reach our goals. This is evident with many people: on the surface, it looks like they should attain whatever they strive for. They plan their goal, are sure to be positive in life, and do all the right stuff,

Positive Expectancy is the key to goal achievement.

However, unless they have positive expectancy, chances are they will not reach their goal no matter how long or how hard they try. This is self-sabotage. And as they continue to sabotage their efforts on an unconscious level, they are not even aware of what or why they don’t achieve the success they want out of life. 

You must have Positive Expectancy, not just a positive attitude.

The Law will provide for you if you do the following: have a clearly defined goal, visualize your results before they occur, never lose sight of your goal, take consistent action towards your goal, and remain in a positive state of mind. 

What’s the driving force in your life?

Even though you maintain positive thoughts towards your goal and your success, it is not enough just to be positive. More importantly, you need positive expectancy to accompany optimism. You have to feel a sense of expectancy as well as think positively to succeed. Expectancy of success, coupled with positive thoughts, will manifest what you want to achieve in your life.

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Your immediate and long-term success depends upon your desire, emotion, and action.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

How do you define success?

Success in life can mean a number of things to different people. Some chase fame, many want material goods, while others pursue the peace and harmony that results from spiritual attainment. Nevertheless, no matter how diverse success is defined, there are three essential ingredients necessary for a life of personal achievement. Desire, emotion, and action are powerful forces that can lead a person to achieve the ultimate success in their life. 

Desire, a deep burning desire for your goal can help you achieve the seemingly unachievable.

In Napoleon Hill’s writing’s, he clearly believed that desire was critical for achieving success. However, it must be a burning desire, a desire for fulfillment that takes over your entire life and you simply must reach the goal desired in your mind in spite of any and all obstacles.

Belief in achieving your goal is not enough to achieve your goal.

Although people may believe they have an intense desire for their goal, they never realize what they’re after. They let excuses get in their way. They don’t have the money needed to start a new business or they don’t possess the knowledge or the time just isn’t right. They allow their present circumstances to rob them of their desire. 

Excuses can dose your burning desire to reach your goal.

When you feel that your burning desire is waning, it is crucial to rekindle the flame and remain focused upon the end goal, and not allow excuses to take away your need for success.

The intensity of your emotions helps you achieve what you desire most in this life.

The second part of the equation is having emotions for the goal you want to achieve. The intensity of your emotions helps you get around, over, or under the obstacles that can be put between you and your goal. Positive emotions of faith, abundance, enthusiasm, expectancy, passion, and gratitude change your psychological and physiological Self.

Your outer world mirrors your inner world.

Just think when you’re sad: your outside mirrors your inside since there’s no hiding your true Self. Now, think when you’re happy: you feel good on the inside and your outer Self reflects that good feeling as you walk tall and confident. You are harmonious with the universe and your goal.

Harmony between your goals and your thoughts manifests your goals.

In turn, being in harmony with the Natural Laws opens up the floodgates of the universe to bring together the people, the circumstances, and the right moment for your personal success. So, look in that mirror and get those emotions out, they’re crucial for personal success.

Action is often missed; you cannot achieve your goals through inaction.

Even though one’s desires and emotions are in harmony, a goal can never be accomplished unless you take action. Actions produce results that bring success. It’s clear that the little things done consistently bring about huge results over time.

Plan what action you will take daily to reach your goal.

In order to achieve your goals, plan daily and be sure to do the most important thing needed on a daily basis to succeed. It’s wise to start your day off on a positive note and write down what you need to do that day to get closer to your dreams.    

Manifest your goals through desire, emotion, and action…it’s the Law.

No matter how you look at life, a healthy dose of desire, emotion, and action will result in the manifestations of your goals.

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“Action, no matter the intensity or the frequency, will never overcome Vibrational Discord.”

Massive action is part of the equation for success

We are often told to take ‘massive action’ when things are not progressing as we want them to when it comes to achieving our goals. The thought is that action, no matter the level of desire or sense of expectancy, will help propel you closer to your intended goal. Still, nothing can be further from the truth when it comes to achieving your goals.

Your vibrational state is a mirror of your results 

While you make full or half-hearted efforts to progress to your goals, the major problem,  your vibrational state, is not changed. Since your vibrational state remains the same, so your situation remains the same. Action is not the critical ingredient in your journey to achieve your goals, without a doubt, your vibrational state is the most important with your actions mirroring the vibrational state that you inhabit and not your vibrational state mirroring your actions.

You attract what you emit to the universe

The Natural Laws clearly indicate that you can only attract that which you send out and you send out what vibrations you are experiencing at each and every moment that you share this physical environment called Earth. There is no break, no holiday, no down time from inhabiting a vibrational state and even when you are sleeping, you are transmitting your vibrational state of good feelings, such as compassion and patience, or bad, such as jealousy and envy, out to the universe. And, you can only attract back that which you emit.

Change your state to change your results 

So, if you are having a difficult time to achieve what you want from life, it seems that taking action to achieve that goal without being in the proper vibrational state is like shooting your Self in the foot since your expectations, thoughts, and words are what manifest your wants and not your actions which are backed by insecurity, envy, doubt, and disbelief.

Incongruent thoughts and words manifest your actions

Vibrational Discord occurs when your thoughts and words are incongruent with your actions. Hence, you may act as if you truly want to achieve your goal, writing to do lists, looking at pictures of your goals, and even imagining the benefits that you and your family will enjoy when you have achieved your goal.   However, deep inside of you are thinking thoughts of disbelief, negative expectancy and a host of other negatives.

Your inner world of Vibrational Discord creates barriers to achieve your results

So, while you display a confident exterior to the world, your negative interior is forming a wall of resistance which is so formidable that no amount of action or strength of action can possible go around, go under, or go through the barrier that has been put before you by you and your own incongruent thoughts and feelings. Vibrational imbalance is not circumvented by action;  it is corrected by positive thoughts and words, there is no other possible means to get back on track and shed vibrational imbalance than gain vibrational accord.

Vibrational Accord creates the level of success you envision  

You need to change the inside, which ultimately changes the vibrational state you inhabit, before you can achieve that which you hold dear to your heart. Action, no matter the frequency or strength, in the presence of Vibrational Discord will never manifest that which you set your sights upon. Action, no matter the frequency or strength, in the presence of Vibrational Accord manifests that which you set your sights upon. Focus upon your vibrational balance to achieve your goals and not focus upon your action to achieve your goals.