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“Meditating for the mind is as important as exercising for the body.”

Meditation is our connection to the spiritual world. 

For thousands of years, humankind has practiced the art of meditation. In earlier times, religion and meditation were inexorably joined and all the major world religions incorporated meditating as a means to connect with the One; a means to silence the physical world and experience the spiritual world; and a means to transcend the seen world and to reside within the unseen world.


A deeply, devoted state of thinking

And it was the monks, priests, and mendicants who mainly followed a meditative life within the confines of their monasteries and caves, thus, it appears that the conduit to the spiritual realm all too often excluded the general populace. Nowadays, there is no longer a barrier which prevents us from accessing and practicing this time honored tradition. While meditation and religious practices are still tightly entwined, most people out of the realm of organized religions who practice meditation are in reality practicing discursive thinking – a deep, devoted state of thinking.

Our mental state changes our physical body 

Whether it’s achieving spiritual ecstasy or attaining physical enjoyment from regular meditation (or discursive thinking), the scientific community as a whole identifies that a change of mental state results in a change of physical state. A body of research indicates a litany of ills including anxiety, stress, pain, and depression are substantially reduced or completely eliminated by regular meditation sessions.

Our happiness increases with our meditation sessions

There is also evidence to support the lowering of blood pressure levels, improving sleeping patterns, strengthening immunity systems, and increasing general overall happiness. In fact, a number of studies have discovered that your overall Happiness Index number may increase by as much as 20% from regular meditation sessions.

Create a stronger connection between the Source and your Self 

New Age scientists have hypothesized that habitually meditating creates a stronger connection between the practitioner and the Source which in turn releases blockages of energy which are at the heart of the many problems which we suffer from in this modern age.

You can have a healthier brain

Even though we have an extensive list of benefits from regular meditation, researchers have recently discovered other reasons to make this a regular routine in our busy and hectic lives. As we age, we naturally have a thinning of our frontal cortex. One study finds that regular meditation slows down the process and it also helps thicken this area of the brain when practiced over long periods of time. After years of being committed to this sacred act, we end up with a healthier brain.

Meditate to rewire your brain and increase awareness 

A wide number of studies also discover that regular meditation sessions rewire our brain. It seems that the rewiring of the brain results in an increased awareness and focus upon the present moment. Most of us spend a great deal of our time, scientists estimate as high as 50% of the time wandering from idea to idea, hence, there is little focus.

A lack of focus can attract negative energy 

As our thoughts race around in our minds, we most often than not are attracted to the negative aspects of our life; the bill that is owing, the car that needs fixing, the tooth that needs drilling. So, our lack of focus results in obsessing upon the negative which then places us in a negative state which then attracts more negativity to our lives.

Quiet the white noise 

However, a wide range of studies have found that when we meditate, we quiet the white noise of the outside world and become less judgmental in our worldview. This change then manifests as a more relaxed attitude that is not obsessing upon the broken this or the unpaid that. It appears that the brain is able to respond to self-monitoring and retain and maintain focus and block-out worldly interference.

Science not speculation 

This is not just speculation. A recent study discovered that meditating monks and praying nuns activated the areas of the brain that dealt with concentration and focus while they also deactivated the areas of the brain that controlled responses to worldly stimuli. Over time, the ability to control your focus upon the inner world and not upon the outer world is a direct result of the rewiring of the brain which is directly influenced by meditation.

Focus upon the purposeful not the superfluous 

Meditation is more than just a few umm’s while sitting cross-legged on the floor with sweet smelling incense burning and exotic music playing in the background. Meditation results in significant health benefits that help us to live a long and productive life. It is our ability to control our thoughts and focus upon the meaningful things in life and not the superfluous which bring about true happiness and good health.

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“We are magnificent manifesting machines created by the benevolent Source.”

We are of the primordial energy

We are divine creations of and from the benevolent Source and therefore, each of us freely given the same potential to achieve amazing results in this earthly life. We are physical manifestations of raw energy that mirror our wondrous Creator and as such, according to modern-day scientists, the trillions of cells in our bodies harbor enough energy to light-up an entire city for an extended period of time.

Our goals are achievable

Since each and every one of us maintain this enormous storehouse of raw energy in our physical body to achieve our goals and most of us do not accomplish the goals we set-out to achieve in this physical existence, it appears that we have turned our backs upon the Source given ability to manifest our wants and desires. Why is this so?

We are our destiny

The Source has created the ultimate manifesting machine, however, most are unaware of this innate ability to create our own reality. We have influence upon our own destiny as a result of the enormous amount of energy found in our physical bodies. The energy that permeates every cell of our physical being is neither positive nor negative energy, it just is, it is our thoughts and our feelings and our thoughts and our feelings alone that convert this raw energy into either positive energy or negative energy.

No one is or can be held back by social, gender, economic, or political bias’ 

And, without bias or prejudice to the end results of our own thoughts and our own feelings, this raw energy assumes the state of energy that reflects our own thoughts and our own feelings. Hence, if we think and feel positively, this act produces positive energy which attracts positive results.

The Natural Laws convert spiritual energy into physical energy

If we think and feel negatively, this act produces negative energy which attracts negative results, this is a Natural Law of the universe. It is this unique conversion of spiritual energy into physical objects that allow us to be such magnificent manifesting machines.

Awareness changes your now and your future

While most do not capitalize on the opportunity freely provided by the Source, if we have a shift in our awareness, this change in and of itself will bring to light the unique opportunity at our very fingertips. When we become aware of the raw energy that permeates our bodies and stores our past, present, and future results, we are also aware that this energy never sleeps, it never rests, it never turns-off, it is constantly reacting, either positively or negatively to our very thoughts and feelings. This being the case, our heightened sense of awareness also tells us that we should be diligent to what occupies our thoughts and our feelings from minute to minute of this physical existence.

Silence, the oasis of change

In order to achieve and maintain an acute sense of awareness which will completely turn around the results that you have succeeded to accomplish at the present moment in your life, you will need to find a place where you can sit in contemplative silence. As you experience your own oasis of tranquility, become intensely aware of the flow of raw energy that permeates every cell in your present physical form of existence.

Resurrect the power that sleeps within

Feel the power that lies dormant within you. Rejoice as you feel the primordial, untainted, raw energy of the universe as it lies deep within every cell of your Self. Acknowledge the power and presence of this raw energy. Accept that this universal energy is fully under your control.  Apply the primal energy that was created at the miraculous moment the universe was created to achieve the phenomenal goals that you have set for your Self.

Manifesting our reality is our purpose in life

Humankind is a magnificent manifesting machine that has been created from the Source with the innate ability to achieve what we desire in life as a result of our own thoughts, our own words, and our own actions.

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“To achieve vibrational alignment with the Source is to achieve your wants, your desires, your dreams in life.”

Are you facing material and spiritual drought?

Many face years of struggle and no matter how hard they try to achieve economic freedom and material gain, they witness no significant difference in their results or in their life – it just seems that are enduring day after day of unpleasant presents. Along with a lack of money and a lack of things, they exist in a spiritual drought which closely resembles a desert environment in that another person’s word parches their dreams; another person’s influence dries-up their creativity; another person’s action blows them from one goal to the next.

Follow four steps to achieve Vibrational Accord 

If you find your Self in this unenviable place at the moment, it is time to take a long hard look at your situation and take full responsibility for the results that you have achieved to the moment and not blame others or rely upon others to create your path of change. It is only achieving Vibrational Accord with the Source that you can change your Self for the better.

The first step is awareness 

In order to reach vibrational alignment with the Source, there appears to be a series of steps that one needs to experience before they have reached the place where they need to be to make serious changes in their life. First is awareness, when success does not arrive upon your doorstep after years of trying, you finally begin to realize that you cannot do it alone and you cannot ignore what others around you are achieving with less effort and more fun. You have heard the voices that resonate deep within you, however, you have consciously made the choice to ignore them since they cannot be real and they cannot be proven scientifically. Nevertheless, they keep nagging you with ideas that just might work, although you do not believe that you have the power or the knowledge to escape your present unpleasant present no matter the message you have been receiving.

Change ‘something’ or it remains the same

In the end, you finally believe that there is a higher purpose in your life that you have been ignoring and that “something” or “someone” out there must be the answer to your unhappiness and lack in life. This awareness is heightened by your friend or family member who has just read a miraculous book, “As a man thinketh” or “Think and Grow Rich.”  You see what has happened in their life and know with all your heart and soul that something must happen or your life will remain the same.

The second step is acknowledgment 

Acknowledgment, the second step, appears when you finally cave-in and are down so low that anything must be an improvement.  So, you pick-up those same books that have helped your friend or family member and your eyes and mind begin to open to new possibilities no matter how contradictory or far-fetched they may appear to you.

We are creators not spectators

You read that quantum science and scientists have found that we are creators in this universe and not just spectators which we have been told and most believed in for decades. These books have a message that has helped others, and at this point you think to your Self that you will give this stuff a try and see what happens. You acknowledge that “It” is out there and want the help that others have received from this power that appears to control each and every person and object in the universe no matter their circumstances.

The third step is acceptance

The third step is acceptance when you have had an epiphany that there is an entity out there along with a sundry of Natural Laws that govern the universe and everything that inhabits it. You understand that these Laws are so precise that they are immutable and as a result, when you have learned how they influence you and what you think, say, and act, you will have serious and lasting change in your life.

Don’t swim upstream 

You also realize that you cannot and will not swim upstream any longer and that swimming downstream is both easier and more enjoyable as you will reach your goals with this simple change in thought which leads to a change in your words which then leads to a change in your actions. To your relief, you know that you are the creator of your own reality and this way is the way to achieve what you want to achieve in your life.

The fourth step is action 

The fourth and final step is following what you have read and what you have discovered in your journey of Self change. You have acquired 100% faith and 100% belief in your new found knowledge and are confident, not in an arrogant but blissful way, that you have unlocked what the ancients and now the moderns have been proposing all along. As you faithfully adhere to the wisdom of the Source, you experience well-being first and then material gain second.

Your life mirrors your vibratory state 

Your life mirrors your vibratory alignment with the Source and no matter the circumstances you find your Self experiencing, you know that you would not have been provided the belief that you could achieve a goal without the Source providing the means to achieve that goal as well.

Don’t let the weeds take over your garden 

Every single minute that you inhabit this physical plane, you realize that your vibratory state manifests your present and future, and as such, mindfully cultivate the thoughts that occupy your mind. As a gardener carefully cultivates his crops and removes the weeds that will eventually rob his crop of nutrients, you tend to the thoughts that are contradictory to your goals. And just as reliable as auto-pilot in a modern-day commercial jetliner, you instill habits that override those negatives of jealousy, envy, and greed.

We are the gatekeepers of our own success  

After years, if not decades of living a life of spiritual drought, you finally discover the key to a fulfilled life is exhilarating. When you discover that you are the master of your reality, since you are the creator of your reality…this is empowering. When you discover that the Source freely provides each and every one of us the means to be the gatekeeper of our success…this is enlightening. When you discover that the Source has a plan to share the responsibility with you to achieve each and every goal you want and at every step of the way in your physical existence…this is astounding. Open your mind and open your heart to the possibilities that present themselves when you achieve Vibrational Accord with the Source.


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“Gratitude is the absence of resistance; resistance is the absence of gratitude.”

Resistance is a negative vibratory state 

Resistance is a vibrational state of being that manifests from negative feelings such as envy, jealousy, and fury. When one inhabits this unenviable state of being, they lack true connection with the Source and with their Self, in fact, this state is diametrically opposed to the Source and to their Self since we naturally inhabit a positive vibratory state where we think, say, and do good things which then manifest our wants and desires.

Gratitude is a positive vibratory state

Expressing gratitude to the Source every day for your life, no matter how good or how bad you may perceive your life at the present moment, inhibits the flow of resistance that you may face when your life is not as you truly want it to be.

Gratitude is seeing your life through the eyes of the Source

Expressing your gratitude regularly results in experiencing your life through the Source. You cannot become closer to the Source than when you express gratitude, in essence, you are living this physical life seeing things through the eyes of the Source. As such, you are at work and see all the wonderful things about those around you; you are in a traffic jam and see all the wonderful things about your commute; and you are home with your family and see all the wonderful things about your family.

Your awareness creates Source-like experiences in your life 

While others may see aggressive, untrustworthy colleagues, or dangerous and noisy roads, or an irresponsible teenager listening to loud music, you only see the good in those people and things surrounding you in business and social situations. This is truly experiencing a Source-like existence. And with this elevated sense of awareness of the wonderful things that abound in and around your life, your positive vibrational state can only attract more abundance and more happiness as you create a natural barrier which blocks out lack and sorrow from your Self.

Gratitude is not inhabiting a state of want or lack     

While gratitude is a positive thought, word, and action, some may believe to the contrary that gratitude is a state of being in want or lack, in other words, they still have not achieved what they have focused their attention upon and are still striving for that elusive goal. They think that they are still fighting an uphill battle to achieve what they want to achieve. This perception of gratitude is erroneous and this type of thinking can only lead you down a path that is incongruent with your goal. If you believe that gratitude accompanies lack, then you are in a negative vibrational state which can only lead to more lack and this forms a natural barrier to keep you in your unpleasant present – this is a Natural law.

Be sincerely grateful for what you have, where you are, and who you are 

Expressing gratitude simply means that you are truly joyous of what you have in your life at the present moment; this does not mean that you are do not want to achieve more in the future, far from it since we are meant to achieve more and continually expand as the universe itself does. So, if you have an old car and are truly grateful for it, or you live in a small home on the wrong side of town and are truly grateful for it, or if you have a job which just does not provide enough income for the goals you want to achieve but are truly grateful for it anyway, you will surely put all these things behind you since your expression of true gratefulness can only manifest as a positive vibratory state where all that you think, say, and do reflects your inner state of being.

Our inner state creates our vibratory state…cultivate it wisely

Our inner state of being is what manifests our goals and we cannot escape what state we are in even if that state cannot be detected by those around us. Carefully cultivate the state of being you desire since your decisions then manifest as your thoughts, words, and actions which are congruent with that state of being and ultimately your results.

You have complete control of your vibratory state 

Gratitude is the absence of resistance while resistance is the absence of gratitude. Both states cannot coexist within the same cosmic time or within the same physical space. Your feelings and your thoughts, and your feelings and your thoughts alone, determine if the state you inhabit is one of gratitude or one of resistance.

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“Love the process not the product.”

Attaining success is as precise as any mathematical formula 

Achieving one’s desires is made possible by the fact that Natural Laws exist in the universe and they are as precise as any mathematical formula. As well, each and every one is under the influence of these Laws; there are no exclusions due to gender, location, age, or sex. And as a result of these immutable Laws, there are several time-proven techniques that help us to achieve what we set our hearts and souls upon.

Visualization helps us achieve success 

Many use visualization of either their goal’s features or benefits to arrive at what they set their sights upon. As we focus upon features, it is easier to reach goals when we add our five senses to our sessions. Touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell are the jet fuel that accelerates the process and supports us in our journey of physical and spiritual achievements. However, some find that they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with fully opening-up and using their complete sensory facilities as a focus of their visualization sessions. If you have tried this technique and have come to the conclusion that it is not for you there is another means available to you; focus your attention upon the benefits of achieving your goal for your Self and for your family.

Focus upon enjoying the benefits, not the features of your goal 

There is a shift in your focus as you dwell upon the benefits and not the features of the goal. Hence, rather than focusing upon that genuine calf leather seats and unique paint job of your new sports car, you focus upon the pride of ownership or your reduced carbon footprint by owning such a unique automobile. Also, a better job provides more money available to send your child to a prestigious college; more retirement income provides more freedom to travel and see the world; and more education provides a more fulfilling life.

Still haven’t attracted success? 

While these two techniques stand under the scrutiny of time and practice, they also provide a workable framework to achieve our goals, still, there are some who have tried these and have not been successful at reaching their goals. They witness others around them achieving their goals and then they feel frustrated, resentment, pity, envy, and other feelings which eventually lead them to giving-up all together and staying in their unpleasant present for perhaps their entire lifetime.

Awareness helps to achieve what you want in life

They have abandoned their goals and have embraced a negative vibratory state, this is a very unfulfilling way to live life since the Source openly provides the means to achieve what we desire, it is our awareness that helps us to achieve what we want and to identify alternate roads to the journey’s end.

Focus upon the process and not the product

There is yet another alternative to achieving your goals and that is to focus upon the process and not the features or benefits of the product. What I mean is that rather than focus upon a new job, or more income, or more goods – which focus upon the product or your end goal, focus upon the process of making those daily steps to your goal and not the end goal itself. For example, you are aware that your company is closing and you will need to find a new job. However, you never earned that college degree or your skills need to be updated since you’ve worked at the same job and at the same company for years.

Be proactive in life  

Rather than waiting for the inevitable and feeling fear and anxiety as most would in this position, be proactive and immediately find a school or program that will get you to the next level to be employable. When you have found that ideal course or degree, then focus upon the here and now and enjoy each moment. Enjoy the positive energy in the classroom with your classmates; enjoy the test of learning new skills; enjoy the grade that you earn from your mid-term test.

Live each moment of the journey and not just for the finish line

With this technique, you set the goal and do not revisit it every day or every hour. You enjoy each moment as it is and there is no pressure upon hitting that end goal since it is not your immediate focus.

What you want and what you achieve can manifest a negative state 

It appears to me that the problems start when you set the goal and then things aren’t progressing as you want and you notice there is a big gap between what you want and where you are. Then the negative feelings set in and this can only result in being in a negative vibratory state which can never bring you closer to your end goal no matter how hard you try to visualize the end product or the many benefits that accompany your greatest want.

Focus upon features or benefits?

Focusing upon features works for some, focusing upon benefits works for others, however, there are some who cannot achieve their goals with either of these proven techniques. For whatever reason, they are unable to effectively use these techniques and rather than give-up and face an unfulfilled life, there is a viable alternative to help you achieve your goals.

Focus upon each moment of the process and not the joy of the product

Focus upon the process and not the product; focus upon each joyous moment as you progress to your goal. Focus upon the little victories as you take the next step in your journey. And as your focus remains upon the process and not the end product, in time you will overcome and succeed where you once believed that there was no hope to attain the lofty heights you had imagined.

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“The paradigms formed in your past occupy your present to form your future.”

Unrewarding, unfulfilling, and unsatisfying…

Sadly, a large percentage of us will work our entire lives in jobs which are unrewarding, stay in relationships which are unfulfilling, and accumulate objects which are unsatisfying. While most are aware of the quandary that envelops their lives, nonetheless, they have little understanding of what they can do or how they can do it to escape from their unpleasant present. They simply fail to realize that the paradigms which have formed over their lifetime have tremendous influence over what they think, what they say, and what they do.

The past, rightfully or wrongly, can influence your present and future. 

The paradigms that have formed over your past, either rightly or wrongly, determine where you end up in the future. The Source not only created a connective web between each and every object large and small, but, also created a connective web between each and every one of the billions and trillions of cells in our bodies. Hence, each and every cell within your physical body records and saves every occurrence that happens in your life.

Our cells download our daily occurrences, and then influence our thoughts, words, and deeds

So, if you wanted to lose weight in the past and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to earn more monthly income and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to find a meaningful relationship with a person and failed, that is recorded. Then when you are faced in the future with wanting to lose weight, make enough money to be financially independent, or find a meaningful relationship, your cells download the information found in your past thoughts, words, and actions in the form a paradigm which is consistent with your past experiences. It is of little wonder that many of us are unable to break away from our unpleasant present to achieve a wonderful future.

How can we break away from our unwanted paradigms? 

The first step to break away from the errant paradigms which control our lives is awareness. We should constantly monitor how the past affects our present thoughts, words, and actions. When attempting to change from our unpleasant present, it is imperative that we realize the past is the past and the present is what changes our future. Our future is malleable if we allow the Source to guide us each and every step of the way in our journey to happiness, health, and wealth.

Focus upon your present goal and not your past failure 

The next step to change old paradigms is to relax and focus your full attention upon your goals. Be aware that your present state cannot be changed when you are in a state of agitation, stress, or turmoil.

Relax…stress cannot and does not help you achieve your goals

Stress or anxiety about your present unpleasant situation blocks the connection between you and the Source. On the other hand, the deep positive feelings of relaxation create a strong and vital connection between you and the Source. When overwhelmed by a negative paradigm, breathe deeply and feel the positive energy that accompanies relaxation. As you deeply inhale and exhale, allow the universe to provide all that you are entitled to receive from our benevolent Source.

Expressing gratitude is greater for goal achievement than feeling anxiety 

Now, express sincere gratitude to the Source no matter what your present unpleasant is, it is the sure way to dismantle old paradigms and create new ones. When you fully accept the present and that you are truly grateful for all that you have and experience at the moment, the universe opens the floodgates of abundance to and for you. You see, with this positive attitude, the negatives are taken away and replaced by contentment which manifests true peace that helps to enrich your life as no physical object can.

Faith and belief can manifest new paradigms in your life

Finally, new paradigms can be formed by the positive feelings which are accompanied by faith and belief. When in this state of mind, you attract positive energy and repel negative energy. As you repel negative energy you overwrite negative paradigms with new positive paradigms.

You can create a new life for yourself

You are fully capable of reprogramming your past and present unsuccessful paradigms into future successful paradigms. It takes awareness, relaxation, gratitude, faith, and belief to connect with the Source to manifest magnificent changes in your life.




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“Success can be narrowed down to just a few simple tasks: reading, thinking, and acting.”

xmcothgncqa-joshua-sortinoSuccess does not manifest from luck, chance, or fate

We all long for success, yet, most of us believe that success is some mysterious, hard-to-reach place which only a few fortunate ones every get to experience in their lifetime because of their luck, chance, or fate.

Success can be achieved by everyone…just follow the Natural Laws

The good news is that we can attain what we want in life since our success is subject to a set of Natural Laws that are precise and concise as any other mathematical law. And when one is aware of how the Laws work and how they truly favor our success, we can and must achieve what we set out to attain in our life without having to rely upon a stroke of good luck or a twist of fate.

The path to success can be straightforward, not complicated

When we think about our success, the means to arrive at that wonderful place in life can be narrowed down to a set of tasks which will change the direction of your life. These simple, but, effective tasks include reading, thinking, and doing. They appear to be simple and straightforward, without the complexities and mystery of other ideas, nonetheless, if you follow these ideas faithfully, they will manifest incredible changes in your life.

Take the first step…reading

The first step in our journey of success is reading. Reading can and will set you on the correct road to success. When you read a book about others’ success, it provides possibilities in your own life. The person you develop into in the future is a result of the books you read today. There is no better way to start your journey of achievement. Honestly create a plan to read and faithfully follow your personal plan for success.

Your thoughts determine your success 

The next step is thinking where your results, good or bad, originate from. There is no getting away from the fact that your thoughts and your thoughts alone determine the success you achieve in your life.

Don’t let the bad weeds conquer your mind

We are the creators in a universe that always manifests what we think about. Thus, meditate regularly and visualize daily to achieve your goals and like a careful gardener, do not let the weeds of bad thought enter your mind. Be vigilant to keep fear, hate, and envy out of your mind.

The final step…acting upon what you’ve read and thought about

Finally, we reach the last of the three steps in my simple plan for success, acting. While we can read and think about our success all we want, in the end, we must be prepared to do something to help us reach our lofty goals.

You don’t need to know your path to success beforehand, the right one shall manifest itself to you…at the right moment

It is not necessary to plan every step of the way, rather, the Source will provide the guidance necessary to achieve our end goal. In fact, if we keep asking ourselves how to reach our goals, we are asking the wrong question and will only have our desires pushed farther away from us. Instead, rely upon the Source to provide what you need to do to achieve success. Listen to your inner voice for the path to personal achievement.

Success is within each person’s grasp…

Reaching success in your life is not a far-fetched dream which only a few ever manage to get to, it is at the fingertips of each and every one of us, it is just our own sense of awareness that brings it to us or our lack of awareness that keeps it at arm’s length from us. Follow these few simple techniques to reach the heights of success that each of us is entitled to receive from our benevolent Creator.

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“A strong connection to the Source allows you to enjoy the rollercoaster ride called life.”

photo-1433100325891-378af68b3b8eOur sacrosanct connection in life

Each of us has a sacrosanct connection to the Source which was formed at the moment of creation. This connection is not prejudiced by age, economics, gender, or education. This connection cannot be severed by time or distance; yet, it can be strengthened by one’s awareness and it can be weakened by one’s lack of awareness of this sacred gift from the Source.

Why do we have this sacred connection? 

This connection manifested by and to our Creator helps us to navigate the positive and negative ordeals that we face in our lives as we make this earthly journey.

Why is our connection critical?

It is critical for contentment and achievement in life to understand the power of the connection between your Self and the Source. Consider a person who sets a tremendous goal and wants to achieve it, still, no matter how hard they try they just can’t reach that elusive goal. Most will force their goals upon themselves; they get on edge when things are not as they think they should be and then get even more concerned and more stressed.  However, there are two things to consider.

We achieve our goals by letting go

First, trying hard is not the answer. Feeling anxiety when you face your goals will not make your goals manifest quicker, in fact, they are pushed away from you due to the vibrational state that accompanies your feelings of apprehension. Rather than trying harder and becoming stressed about achieving your goal, the answer is letting go.

A positive state of vibration puts you on the path to achievement

While this strategy appears to be counterintuitive and therefore unproductive, nevertheless, when you let go and not try so hard you are in a positive state of vibration and this allows the universe to line-up all the things necessary to achieve your goal.

A natural state of synchronicity occurs naturally, it cannot be forced

At this time there develops a natural synchronicity with the Source, it is natural and it is not forced. You know when it feels right as everything in your life; your thoughts, your words, and your actions are in sync with the universe, and hence, the Source. A relaxed state of closeness, with the One occurs on a purely spiritual level and not on a physical level which simply cannot be made to happen, it must transpire naturally.

Success runs on universal time…not human time 

Second, you can create, develop, and maintain a strong connection to and with the Source when you fully comprehend and fully accept that it is not on earthly time that we achieve what we perceive. Rather, it is upon cosmic timelessness that we perceive and achieve our goals. In order to extend and preserve our sacred connection with the Source, we must open our hearts and our minds to accept the delays that are often accompanied with the results we gain in our lives.

We are creators…not spectators in this life

Quantum physics indicates to us that we are creators and not just spectators within the universe. As such, all things large and small are connected to the Source.  And all things large and small are governed by the Natural Law of cosmic timelessness…there is no getting around this fact regardless of celebrity, gender, education, or location. If this were not so, it would be a complete contradiction of the benevolent Source, where each and every one has equal access to the knowledge of the universe and hence to receive their goals on the timetable of cosmic timelessness.

Express gratitude regardless of the outcome

Since we perceive and achieve our goals in life on cosmic timelessness, it is equally important to express gratitude for all the things, good or bad, that occur in our life. A constant sense of thankfulness for whatever you have and are at the moment enhances your positive vibrations while at the same time it releases your negative vibrations.

Joy is derived from our spiritual connection with the Source, not from our material goods

The Source offers both your goals and your solutions in your life. It is the strength of your connection with the Source that helps you to understand why things happen and why they do not happen. Bumps and bruises along the way make the journey that more enjoyable after conquering the obstacles. In the end, we should gauge our happiness, wellbeing, and success in life by the strength of our spiritual connection with the Source and not our physical manifestations.

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“True happiness manifests from negotiation with your Self; true happiness does not manifest from competition with others.”

The new mentality 

The new mentality appears to be one where a person must win at all costs and without any regard for ethics or the wrongdoings to humankind or the environment. The media plays this one up where you are Number 1 when you beat the competition down and stand like a triumphant gladiator over a bloodied opponent in the Roman Coliseum. However, this selfish; ME at all cost attitude, can only produce ephemeral happiness and not true happiness which is sustained over a person’s lifetime.

photo-1462040015891-7c792246b10eAre you living your life by negotiation or competition? 

A person can live their life through negotiation or competition: the former being in a positive state of vibration while the latter in a negative state of vibration. In a competitive mindset, a person always must outdo their colleagues, their neighbors, their own family members. The act of beating another person is tied to and reflected by the winner’s perception of self-worth: they rationalize if I can own bigger, costlier, and rarer objects than you, then I am worth more to my Self and worth more than your Self.

Your self-esteem can be battered or bolstered  

So, when you discover that a friend or colleague has a smaller house, your esteem soars but when you find a friend or colleague with a bigger house your self-esteem takes a dive. And that goes for the model of your car, your watch, your vacations, and any of your earthly possessions. When you base your life and your self-worth upon material goods, you’ll never have the biggest, best, or brightest toy.

Negotiation manifests a higher sense of awareness 

True happiness comes when you are constantly in negotiation with your Self. Negotiation focuses upon the awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions at the very moment. As you monitor your thoughts, words, and actions along the Continuum of Awareness, you are striving to be the best you can and the best for humankind. You negotiate your current state of mind to be in a higher state of awareness.

Set aside your ego to attain your goals 

You set aside your ego to attain your goals with your life’s journey while encapsulating faith, gratitude, compassion, and ethics. You fully understand that your results occur within cosmic timelessness. You place your faith and belief in the Source to align all the circumstances, persons, and objects that are required to achieve your goal and ultimately your happiness.

How to create positive energy

Your thoughts create the flow of positive energy which effortlessly manifests goals for you, hence, no worry, no fear, no envy, no jealousy, no competition.

Material possessions are temporary, your soul is permanent 

In the end, no matter how many material possessions you accumulate in your life, you will not have a minute longer on Earth, you will not be better than anyone else, and you will not have greater happiness. The noted French philosopher Voltaire wrote ‘Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.’ You can instantly achieve the dizzying heights of an eagle and be free of negative thoughts and negative vibrations when you make the decision to be in constant negotiation with your Self and not to be in constant competition with others.

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“Spirituality is the key to unlocking life’s treasure chest of riches.”

buddhaheadsWhat are the true riches in life?

The true riches in life cannot be locked away within a high-level security bank vault nor hidden within an old wooden chest and buried deep beneath the glistening sands of a deserted island. Rather, the true riches in life are willingly provided to each and every one of us by a benevolent Source and securely harbored deep within our very souls. Others cannot take our most prized possession unless we allow them to do so and our most sacred gift cannot be accessed until the time when we have developed a level of awareness which allows us to do so.

The Continuum of Awareness

How we view and therefore respond to the experiences in our lives can be placed upon a Continuum of Awareness which runs from the secular quadrant of physicality to the sacred quadrant of meta-physicality. As you inhabit the realm of meta-physicality you are closer to the Source and the closer you are to physicality the farther away you are from the Source. Your position on the Continuum of Awareness dictates your thoughts, your words, your actions, and ultimately your treasures.

Un-Source-like                                                                        Source-like


Physicality (looking)                                                 Meta-physicality (seeing)

Looking vs. Seeing

Considering physicality, we look at a door as a wooden or metal object that keeps out the winter cold, protects our possessions, or allows entrance into our home. As we look upon it with our five senses it appears to be what it is and no more than that. Or we look at our job as a means to pay our bills. We can’t wait until payday or the week-end or the next vacation because we feel trapped in an unpleasant situation with no seemingly way out. This is the lowest level of awareness and is viewed as un-Source-like since we are only looking and therefore believing in what our eyes are allowing us to look at before us. There is little faith at this level since the outer world dictates our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our treasures. With this mindset, how can a person possibly be granted the true riches in life that are provided to us by a benevolent Creator?

In contrast, meta-physicality is the highest level of awareness as we see a door which signifies an opening for personal growth, ends a relationship so we can move forward, or provides a path to the future. At this level, the door is not just a wooden or metal structure; instead, it is a conduit to new experiences as the inner eye sees the opportunities on a much deeper and Source-like level of awareness. Or we see our job not as a method to meet our monthly commitments but as a means to benefit humanity, a way to uplift shattered souls, or a path to change the future. No longer are we bound by the outer world as our strength and perception of possibilities are unlimited by our faith and vision as we inhabit the realm of meta-physicality.

How do we raise our level of awareness?

How can we raise our awareness to enter and remain in a Source-like state? Begin the process by seeing your world through the lens of love, gratitude, faith, compassion, and belief. Seeing events and objects in your life with these positives allow you to receive and to retain the riches from the Source. Seeing life on a deeper level of awareness provides you with a better understanding of why things happen and how to react and cope with things that land on our doorstep. Seeing creates a stronger and more peaceful you…as the world around you spins out of control you are not drawn into the malaise since you possess a deeper level of awareness. Seeing helps you to constantly monitor your position on the Continuum of Awareness as well as remain or return to the realm of meta-physicality.

The intangibles of faith and belief and tranquility cannot be achieved or sustained by the restrictions of physicality. It is only through meta-physicality that we accumulate our lasting treasures in life.