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Your results are an echo of the conversations you hold within your mind

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Our life is a reflection of our thoughts

The results we have within our life are a reflection of the thoughts we have within our mind. Thus, every minute of every day we are manifesting the life we desire. And that desire may be the things we love or the things we fear. This must be so since we are creators in the holographic world which we live in.

Carefully monitor your thoughts

Within this world, there is no conscience as to what is good or bad, right or wrong, rather, the Source will deliver to you what you focus your subjective attention upon. As a result, we must carefully monitor the conversation we have with ourselves.

Everything exists at the same time in our holographic universe

One of the principle tenants of a holographic universe is that everything exists everywhere at the same instant. With this being the case, ask yourself…do I want a new car? This possibility exists within our holographic universe. However, it is not the only possibility; there is also the possibility that you will not get that new car.

Your constant mental conversations manifest in your physical world

Or, it may manifest, but not when you want it. It is all about the conversations that resonate within your conscious mind. It is your personal conversations with yourself that manifest what you want or what you fear.  

Our mind is so much more than just matter

It has been said that the mind is not matter but rather pattern: therefore, our mind is not just some complex storage facility for all the experiences we have had in our life. In this age, it is popular to think of the hard drive of our personal computer as a metaphor for our brain. Hence, everything we have seen, said, or even tasted is logically and systematically stored and only waiting for our memory to relive our personal experiences.

Our mind consists of patterns that can be measured

On the contrary, it is much more since scientists have discovered that our mind consists of patterns which correspond to frequencies. This is clearly evident when we consider the results of electroencephalography (EEG) which measures and records electrical activity within our brain.

Like frequencies attract like frequencies; unlike frequencies repel unlike frequencies

We achieve what we believe in our minds since like frequencies attract like frequencies and unlike repel unlike. And it has been shown by modern-day science that each and every object, no matter how big or how small, is just frequency. These frequencies produce vibrations which we cannot see with the naked eye, thus, the solid objects we see around us are just an illusion.

We can control what frequencies inhabit our minds

This is where it gets really exciting: if we have love in our mind we register a certain frequency in our brain which then can only attract love into our life. When we have fear and hate, these emotions also have specific frequencies which can only attract the same. Now picture that new home, or expensive car, or good health…each object produces a different frequency in your mind, which ultimately, can only attract the same back to its place of origin.

We manifest what we create in our mind

You simply cannot escape the thoughts that swirl around in your mind. As they occupy your mind, you have intimate conversations with them, hence, they must manifest as a result of those talks. Be aware that you are either drawing your goal to you or pushing it away and in the end it is your choice.

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Don’t let the ‘Right Now’ dilemma take control of your future

Photo by Eduardo Olszewski on Unsplash

Time is provided equally amongst the rich and poor, young and old, and educated or uneducated

It makes no difference if you are the richest or the poorest person, the happiest or the saddest person, or the most grateful or least grateful person walking on this earth, there is no getting away from the fact that we all have the same amount of time each day. While we all are given an identical amount of this precious commodity, it’s what we think about time that differentiates successful from unsuccessful people.

Time is not an evil roadblock to success…in reality, it is an ally and not an excuse to forfeit your dreams and goals

As you talk with your friends, most likely many express the fact that they have unfulfilled dreams and that TIME is the major factor that prevents them from achieving their dreams. They rationalize that TIME is the evil that builds roadblocks to their goals. As a result, as they think so they say and so they do:

I want to start an on-line business, however, ‘Right Now’ I work every week-end.

I really want to take my family on that special vacation, but, ‘Right Now’ I don’t have any spare time.

Time is malleable…it can and does accommodate the required hours to achieve your success

As these people think, and rightly so, they are creating and receiving all the conditions and circumstances to make their goals impossible to reach. They simply don’t realize that they are pushing their goals and their dreams farther away with their thoughts, words, and actions. What these same people do not understand is that time is elastic…it seems to accommodate what we want to get accomplished no matter what. Time is malleable IF we don’t believe in ill-thought up excuses.   

Singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed most don’t take the risks required to achieve their success

The late singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed that we should make the most of the time we have on this earth without any excuses. In an interview not long before his unfortunate death, he mentioned that many people go through life never taking any of the little risks. And since they shy away from the little risks, they miss the biggest risk of all – they haven’t tried everything they wanted and they find out that they have not lived a full life.        

Get out of bed a few minutes early every day and use that time to pursue your goals

If you want to write a book and work full-time and on week-ends as well, get up a half hour earlier each day and write a few pages. From my own experience, I wrote Voice of the Sage over several months by grabbing the short time I had before going to work and finishing my breakfast.

Set big goals and set the time to move towards your goals

After starting my day working on my goal, I was excited for hours; it was empowering. If you want to earn an on-line degree, sacrifice a set amount of time before dinner or bedtime to complete your assignments. I earned my PhD working full-time and writing a number of books by stealing an hour here and a half hour there.  

Manage your time efficiently to receive the dreams and goals you envision in your life

Like I managed to do, make the most of those few minutes that just slip away from you in your day-to-day living. And, over a few weeks or possibly months, you will see amazing results and have made progress to your goal even though you were never given any more time during your day. That’s how my twenty-plus books were completed…by taking a few minutes here and a few minutes there.  

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Your goals manifest not from your objective attention, instead, from your subjective attention

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

Your success is not determined by anyone else accept your Self

Some are confused when it comes to goal setting and goal achieving: these people put their faith in the success or failure of others to measure their true potential and possibility of success in their own life. However, they fail to understand that their goals must originate and manifest originally from within their inner world, their spiritual world, which is theirs and theirs alone.

Cultivate your most priced possessions…your original thoughts

Hence, since our thoughts are the starting point of all achievement, we must carefully cultivate our most precious possessions. Fortunately, our inner world can be immune from the forces of the outer world only if we make a concerted effort to protect this world from the invasion of negative and potentially dangerous thoughts and beliefs.

It is your success you must focus upon…not a mentors or friends

Many have an idea that they want to achieve great things in their life before they even make a commitment to their new idea. Yet, to develop their new Self, they look to others for support and guidance. We then see a person who wants to become an Internet marketer ask a friend who has never been successful or has never even attempted to be an Internet guru for advice.

Do not depend on others who are not successful to guide you to your success

Or, an inspired writer wants to write a best seller and asks someone, who has little experience as such, if their idea will be successful to the reading public. Needless to say, this one act of seeking advice may in and of itself crush the inspired person’s dreams for an entire lifetime. We simply cannot allow other’s objective attention to rob us of a life of happiness, health, and wealth which each of us is entitled to receive from our benevolent Creator.  

WE are responsible for creating OUR own success

While it is admirable, it is very dangerous to ask others for their opinions about a new idea which has not yet reached fruition since this kind of thinking is inconsistent with the Natural Laws that govern our universe. In the holographic world which we live, we are both responsible for and capable of creation. This act of creation starts with our own vision of what we want to become, be it a wealthy Internet guru or a prize-winning writer.

OUR thoughts, actions, and words begin the process to OUR success

As our own thoughts begin the process to achieve what we hope to achieve, the wheels are then put in motion to receive all that is needed to reach our goals. Naturally, this is a long list which includes the necessary people, circumstances, situations, and opportunities to manifest those goals.  

Subjective not objective means and methods create your dreams, wants and needs

We must accept this way as the only way to achieve our goals and not entertain or subscribe to the many objective methods in our outer world for a measure of our true potential or future success. When we have this attitude towards our future success, we have attained a higher plane of awareness which we then share with the Creator of the universe. This spiritual connection then carries us to our end goals. 

Faith helps create your wants and needs…through subjective attention.

Do not allow others or other circumstances to steal the goals you set for your life. Have faith in your ability as a creator of your dreams. In the end, it is your subjective attention that will manifest what you desire – your results can never be foreign to your original thoughts.

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You can change the outside, but, it won’t change the inside

We’ve all heard negative talk around the office water cooler

How many times have you heard that a colleague is unhappy about management, company policy, compensation, holiday schedule, insurance protection, computer speed, cafeteria food? Blah, blah, bah, blah, blah! You name it and it seems that nothing is beyond reproach since everything about their job is boring, unfulfilling, and depressing and it’s not their fault.

Who’s fault is it when you feel bored, unfulfilled, and depressed?

Although they never make any positive contributions to change the ills of the company, they believe they are worth more money, more responsibility, and more respect since they are the ones who are the real assets of the company!  

How can you reach your true potential?

While this person wants more of everything, with these kinds of thoughts they can never reach their true potential. And even though they may change their job, as long as they maintain the same thoughts within their mind, there can be no change in their results. When they repeatedly complain about their past, the only thing that can happen is that they are held in the past longer.

Can you run away from the past and present to a better future?

They think they can run away from their past and present to have a better future. However, these folks are thinking in reverse: they rationalize that when they get more money, more respect, and more responsibility then they will contribute more to their job. If you want a new job or career with more money and more responsibility, you cannot remain critical of where you are at the present moment.

You can’t keep doing, thinking, and saying the same things and expect different results

You must make a vow to do things better in whatever situation you find yourself, make yourself worth more to the company and not one who only sees the negative. If you only see the negative then you will certainly stay negative and you cannot progress.

So, how can we change our thoughts, actions and words?

Here’s how one person changed. Allan was very negative when I first met him: he would always complain about management, about the company, about the medical benefits. One day I had enough, “OK, so if it’s so bad, make it better and here’s why – it’s not only for you, but, it’s also your co-workers.

Change your attitude to change your results

First, you will benefit and second, everyone is probably fed-up with your constant complaining. As you improve things, you will feel better and more opportunities will present themselves to you.” So, what happened to Allan? He did change his attitude and turned out to be an asset to his company. Then he was stolen by another company and given more money, this has happened twice and he’s making more money and happier with life since he made the decision to change his attitude and not just his surroundings.

Be the best where you are at the moment, and the future will take care of itself

Be the best you can where you are…there are plenty of opportunities wherever you are at. Become the expert who suggests changes at your job and make those changes within before you make the changes without.

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We must lose something in order to gain something

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The only constant is change

All around us we witness the impact of change upon business, society, nature, and Mother Earth herself. In nature, trees lose their leaves, snakes shed their skins, and birds molt their feathers. As a result of these losses, the leaves nourish the earth, the snake skin nourishes the microorganisms, and the feathers nourish the microbes, hence, there is loss but there is gain. Being an integral part of nature and creation as we are, we must realize that we fall under the same Natural Laws as the trees, birds, and earth where the only constant is change and change benefits all things in the long run.

Change can bring new life

Humankind is not immune from the constancy of change and rightly so since change can bring new life and new enthusiasm for life. Change can also bring about heightened awareness and spiritual development. Thus, we should embrace change and the new possibilities that occur once our change has been realized. When considering the source of change upon the Self, we should understand that there are two planes that affect us: the first one is the physical while the second is the metaphorical.

We lose but we gain

When we consider items lost on the physical plane, we certainly lose friends, lose jobs, and lose lovers. We also lose such earthly possessions that include money, homes, and a host of other objects. Of all of these examples, think for a moment if you will about the loss of a relationship. You have an unsupportive spouse and you are an unhappy life insurance agent who wants to be a university professor. You share your dream with your spouse, however, they feel threatened about your being more highly educated than they are or a loss of income until you receive a tenured position. So, you face the following dilemma: if you don’t pursue your dream you’re unhappy BUT if you pursue your dream you’re partner is unhappy.  Ultimately, something must be lost, either your partner or your dream. In the end, have faith that your intuition delivers what is required to face that change.

Change is inevitable

Our other great loss can be in a metaphorical sense which can accompany, but not necessarily, loss in the physical sense. Change is inevitable if devoid of objective interference. As we see ourselves as the person we want to change to, we lose our old Self to become our new Self and many times we are uncomfortable with the new face in the mirror or the large amount of cash in our bank account. Still, you must understand that if you want to be a writer but are not focused, you have to lose the unfocused writer and replace that person with a disciplined writer to succeed. Or, if you desire to be an actor but are shy and reserved, you must lose the shy and reserved actor to become a successful actor.

Loss is not a bad thing

Most errantly believe that losing something should be avoided above all costs. However, the Natural Laws clearly illustrate that once something is lost, the pendulum swings the other way and something is gained. And ultimately, the benefits of the gain can far exceed what any loss could ever be. Next time you experience a loss, have faith that your gain will result in a far greater return in the long run.       

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If you work on the inside, the outside will take care of itself

Photo by Leiada Krozjhen on Unsplash

Should we buy first and then find the money to meet our obligations?

In this modern world of consumerism and self-development, we are often led to believe that we should first buy expensive automobiles, costly designer watches, or rare collectibles before we even have the money or the plan to pay for them.

Can you feel worthy with more new gadgets and goods?

The rationale is that once you have made the purchase, albeit, on a line of credit or on time, the solution will manifest and you will have the money at your fingertips to pay for these luxuries. And as a result of owning these costly goods, you will then feel worthy and your self-esteem will get a much needed boast. Is this correct thinking?

With all your heart you hope that your bank account catches-up with your bills

When you buy these products before you have the cash to do so, you hope that your mind will catch-up with your new found status and then come-up with a solution. However, all we need to do is look at the present economic environment to see the results of this kind of thinking. Before our eyes we see that businesses are closing, people are losing their homes, bankruptcies are increasing, and marriages are failing…these are the by-products of this reverse thinking.

We sell our souls for material goods but at what cost to our spiritual development?

It seems that we generally get it confused as we strive for the status of having a material possession at the cost of neglecting our spiritual development. Still, what is happening on the inside determines our results on the outside.  In this world which maintains order and harmony as a result of the Natural Laws, it would seem logical to do just the opposite to achieve your desires. Instead of buying the goods first and hoping for a means to pay for them, invest in yourself first and your connection with your spiritual Self will manifest all that you desire in life.

Connection with our spiritual side manifests the guidance we need to meet our wishes and desires

When you invest in self-development books, tapes, and seminars you have the means to connect with your spiritual Self which will provide the guidance to manifest your physical wants. As you follow your inner world to achieve your goals in the outer world, this kind of thinking cannot result in bankruptcies, evictions, and divorces. This is because you are in control of your destiny and not under the control of banks, bosses, and others.

Express your deep, heartfelt gratitude to the Source for each goal you achieve

Of course, when you do achieve the physical manifestations of the thoughts you hold within your spiritual world, celebrate and express gratitude to the Source for your achievement. You have earned it and should feel that sense of accomplishment in the journey and the goal.

Natural Laws are permanent; material goods are ephemeral; which one are you investing in?

The latest fashions and status symbols come and go quickly in this day and age. What’s hot today ain’t hot tomorrow. Do not stake your future on the ephemeral nature of material goods, rather, place your faith in the permanence of the Natural Laws. When you develop your inner world, the outer world will be much more gratifying. 

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Focus all of your attention upon I AM – do not focus any of your attention upon I WILL

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Would you set your goal on an absolute or a possibility?

Throughout our lives we set goals to achieve what we want to have or become or what we need to have or become. This is an important first step in the process to achieve what we want or what we need. However, only writing down and reviewing your goals on a regular basis will not produce the results you want. And sorry to say, many do not achieve their wants or needs due to these actions.

There is a huge difference between I WILL and I AM

All too often a goal setter is thinking and talking about I WILL instead of thinking and talking about I AM. The subtle difference between these two words is the difference between achieving and not achieving what you set your heart upon.        

Most set goals by thinking and saying I WILL

Think about how most set their goals: I WILL be wealthy in the next five years; I WILL have a new home in two years; I WILL double my income in 48 months and so on and so on. On a superficial level, this kind of self-talk appears that it should take the person out of their present unpleasant situation and into a fabulous future. Yet, there are two fundamental problems with this method.

You will face two problems when focusing goal achievement upon I WILL

First, we are placing our own understanding and belief of cosmic timelessness for what and when we want to achieve a goal. Second, I WILL is a mere possibility of what we want to have or become and it is not an absolute. If you should have any doubt of this idea, gauge your feelings after saying I WILL and then how you feel after saying I AM.

What is my first concern?

Let’s examine my first concern. Many experts and scientists alike now believe we exist in a holographic universe where creation is complete, thus, right at this very moment everything that we need to achieve our goals already exists and exists everywhere.

We cannot create anything new since everything already exists, albeit, some on the physical plane while others are the metaphysical plane

As a result of this condition, we do not and cannot possibly create anything new since creation is complete; all we need to do is invoke a higher plane of consciousness to receive what we truly desire. The true power of I AM occurs when we tap into the unlimited power of the universe. Thus, it is only our awareness of our creativity which brings about our results.   

Having deep faith helps drive you toward goal achievement

Second, I AM is an absolute and not a possibility as I WILL. Of course, this is if you have complete faith in the Source to deliver what you want or need. When we say and feel I AM, we have a different perspective and as a result we think and act differently right now. We are conscious of what we want and feel as if we already have it at this very moment.

I AM is an absolute, by contrast, I WILL is a possibility

Hence, this difference in thought results in the manifestation of all the people, circumstances, and situations required to achieve our goals. In the end, our imagination drives the I AM. By contrast, I WILL is a thought for sometime on the future horizon. Thinking of I WILL does not give us that same feeling of accomplishment and ownership of our wants or needs as I AM does.   

Your awareness of I AM manifests that what you truly desire, need, or want

We all exist within parallel universes where all your possibilities already exist: you can be poor or rich, or healthy or unhealthy, famous or infamous. Ultimately, it is your awareness of I AM that manifests what you become.

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Success happens when what you are thinking, what you are saying, and what you doing are all in harmony.

Photo by Larisa Birta on Unsplash

This is my last post for 2022. I hope that every reader of my blog has a healthy and prosperous 2023. All the best for the upcoming year and that my ideas resonate with yours and we both enjoy happiness and wisdom throughout the new year.

Harmonious thoughts, words, and actions are paramount to achieve your goals

Much has been written about the means and circumstances for one to achieve what they are aiming at in their life. And it appears that we must have our thoughts, our words, and our actions in harmony or we simply will not reach our goals. In the end, it is crucial we have Oneness with this trilogy of success within our lives.  

Thinking one thing and doing the opposite is not the best path to achieve what you want

While most recognize the wisdom of this statement, at times, it is an arduous task to line-up these essential ingredients for success. For example, we go around saying one thing on the outside, but, thinking something different on the inside. Or we act one way on the outside when on the inside our true feelings portray our real expectations of attaining our desires. When this happens to us, we are experiencing Vibrational Discord and we cannot attain our goals when we are in this state. The problem is that all the pieces of the puzzle to make us successful are incongruent.

Doubt is a dream stealer

Think of it this way, you work your success plan diligently and just do not seem be able to make any progress. Then doubt enters your mind and you want to give-up because things are not moving you along as you would like to your ultimate want.

Stay on course by being in harmony with your thoughts, words, and actions

It’s like being in a holding pattern over the airport in a modern jetliner: you are on course, you see the runway, and then you are suddenly thrown into a holding pattern as you circle around and around and around. Because you’re not closing the gap between your wants and your results, this incompatibility paves the way for frustration and fear which can take away enthusiasm and desire for the goals that you have planned for in life.

Incongruency manifests as Vibrational Discord which ends up stealing your wants, needs, and dreams

While Vibrational Discord is a negative state which hinders your forward progress, it can be said that just the opposite occurs when you are in a state of Vibrational Accord. There is compatibility between your wants and your results as all the pieces mesh and at the same time, they must all align simultaneously for you to attain your goal and this is all possible having Vibrational Accord.

Vibrational Accord manifests from your harmonious state of being

It starts with the thoughts that you are thinking which are then reflected in the words that you are saying which coincide with the actions that you are taking. This is true accord with your thoughts and your words and your actions. These three elements are said to be congruent, which in turn is similar to the function of automatic pilot on a jetliner which naturally brings you to your final travel destination. 

Receiving your wants, needs, and dreams are the byproducts of Vibrational Accord

You need to be in a state of Vibrational Accord in order to achieve your goal. Ultimately, if your thoughts and your words and your deeds are congruent, the dreams that you have for your life must actualize.

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Do not expect your goals on human time, rather, accept your goals on cosmic timelessness.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There is a cosmic connection between all things that exist in all forms; like and unlike, large and small, tall and short

The founding legends of the ancients are based upon the idea that a godly connection exists between all things – big and small – concomitantly. We now have a better idea of what this connection represents in the modern world.

We live in a holographic universe

Hence, it is now understood that we inhabit a holographic universe where everything exists everywhere at the same instant. This is the case since the beginning of creation parallels the end of creation. At the moment of creation, in a single instant, all knowledge, experiences, circumstances, and conditions required to help us achieve our earthly goals were manifested. It is the Alpha and it is the Omega. It is the Beginning and it is the End.

At creation, everything that was, is and will be manifested

In view of the fact that creation within a holographic universe manifested everything that was, is, or will be, time has no distinctive period or instance, there is simply no separation between the past, present, or future. We must attempt to understand that cosmic timelessness – where the past, present, and future occur simultaneously – cannot be described, measured, or gauged by our contemporary understanding of time as we know it.

Time exists only in the human mind

Time does not exist except in the minds of humankind. This is an artificial concept whose main function is to set parameters for what we did, what we do, or what we will do. Thus, when we set our goals on human time and fail to achieve them by our time, it does not mean that we will not achieve our goal, this simply means that we have placed an incorrect time frame upon when we expect our goals to be realized.

We receive what we want and need by universal timelessness, not by human time

When we fail to receive what we hope to achieve, many give-up on their dreams and lose faith in the Source of the Natural Laws. It is of little wonder they do not get what they want since this kind of thinking and planning is incongruent with cosmic timelessness.

While we are creators, we cannot control universal timelessness…we can only accept it

We cannot control cosmic timelessness. Although the Creator gave us the freewill to set our goals, still, it is not our freewill that manifests our dreams and goals. Once we submit our goals to the Source, we have lost the freewill to decide how and when we will receive what we need or want.

Surrender your needs and wants to the Source

That part of goal achieving is completely out of our hands as the universe sets into motion all the people, conditions, situations, and circumstances which are required to achieve our goals. And it is only when complete harmony exists between all the necessary entities that we receive what we set our sights upon. No amount of wishing, visualizing, or praying can give us the power to control cosmic timelessness.    

Our thoughts of time are inconsistent with the reality of time

Our belief of time is inconsistent with the reality of time. Time only exists in the minds of humankind to organize our lives in an orderly and systematic manner. And this is as far as it should go when setting goals. We should realize that disappointment looms on the horizon when we strive to be in command of cosmic timelessness. Rather, enjoy the natural flow of life with complete faith that the universe will respond to your goals in all instances when harmony exists between the requisite components.

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In order to receive something from others, we need to give something +1 back to others

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

Give BEFORE you receive

Many think that they will start to give after they receive. This thought manifests from fear…fear that what they have in the present is given away and leaves them with less than what they will have in the future. Little do they realize that this reverse thinking can only lead them back to a life of want and poverty.

Your thoughts, words, and actions determine what vibrational state that you occupy

When we fear that we will lose our material wealth, we enter into a state of vibration that can only attract to us what we don’t want in life. By contrast, we can create abundance with our gifts and not create lack. Therefore, when we give freely to others, this action puts us in a creative and cooperative mode and not a competitive mode. Being in this positive state brings success to our doorways. Empires have been built upon this premise; think about the success and the philanthropy of the great motivational speaker and writer, Anthony Robbins.

Successful internet marketers know it is best to give before they receive

Here’s yet another example of how we can reach success by giving to others first before we receive what we want. The successful Internet marketers have taken this simple idea and have it down to a science. They understand the concept that they must give in order to receive. So, when you purchase their latest e-book for $39.99, they give you six free gifts worth hundreds of dollars more than your original investment. And the chances are that you will buy again from the same marketer in the future since you have received much more than what you paid for.

Give of your Self and not just give money to help others

Nevertheless, this is not just about giving money, it’s about giving of your Self. It’s about giving your time, your expertise, or of your knowledge to help others. For example, you can volunteer at a homeless shelter, conduct a fund raising event, or tutor young entrepreneurs in your hometown. In the end, it’s not about what you give, rather, it’s about how you give.

However, you must give without a scale to measure what you will receive back for your philanthropy

When you give freely of yourself or your material goods, without guilt or obligation, you receive deep joy and gratitude for what you have done. As a result, these feelings place you in a state of positive vibration which then attracts even greater benefits back to you.

Don’t think to get this I must give that…this kind of thinking will backfire on you

This is not to say that you should just give and give and not expect anything in return. I mean that you should receive, however, it certainly is not by thinking that you should get that when you give this. This kind of thinking will surely back-fire and your goals will be pushed further away and manifest as grief in the future.

Give freely to manifest positive feelings which in turn, manifest the results you are striving to attain

You get what you want in your life when you help others get what they want in their life. No one holds a scale to weigh what you get is equal to what you give. It is beyond the materials that are given. It is the positive feelings that you emit to the universe once you have freely given to others, in whatever shape or form that may be, which triggers the gates of abundance to be opened to you. Surely, when you consciously make it a point to give more to someone than what you expect back, you benefit greatly from your own unselfishness acts. this is the Law. 

It’s a WIN -WIN situation for them and you

Think about this when giving: I give something +1 to others for them to be successful which helps me to become successful. At the heart of this thinking…it’s a WIN-WIN situation.