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“Big goals do not manifest from small efforts.”

photo-1456694441711-af0ab2d64c96Become aware of the Natural Laws

Some would have you believe that achieving a tremendous goal in your life is accomplished by merely sitting back and waiting until everything that is required to achieve the goal aligns between and amongst themselves to then simply manifest before your eyes. While this sounds very compelling to those who lack awareness, it is less intriguing to those who are aware of the Natural Laws of the universe and furthermore, it is somewhat of a simplistic view of the true workings of the universe.

Harnessing the Natural Laws for success

Now, this is not to say that you must work hard and sacrifice your physical health and your spiritual Self to achieve a goal. Far from it, rather, manifesting your goal is about harnessing the Natural Laws to work for you as you work with the Laws. Thus, we witness a symbiotic relationship occurring with both parties benefiting from the interface of our goals with the benevolent Source instead of a one-sided relationship where we receive everything and contribute nothing to achieve what is offered freely from the Source.

Change your present to change your future

It is important to fully comprehend the process of goal achieving or we simply repeat what we have done in the past and naturally, since our attempts failed in the past then they certainly will fail again in the future if nothing changes. First, even though it may seem to be contradictory to common sense, you should plan big goals to achieve the success that you want to reach and the success that is freely provided by the Source.

Focus upon BIG goals, ones that you don’t know how to achieve

When you plan your goal, if you know how to achieve that goal at the moment that you set it, then it is far too small of a goal. You are clearly underachieving with this stratagem as you are freely admitting that your outer world is ruling your inner world. This is playing it safe, however, do not be afraid of setting tremendous goals; set them and have full confidence in the unerring laws of the universe to manifest your goals.

Why do you need to accomplish your goal? 

Second, it is critical for success to focus upon the solution and not focus upon the problem. When approaching goal setting from a state of want, this will only keep the want in the present and future since you are in a state of lack and not in a state of abundance. Instead, it is key to wrap your mind around the idea of not only focusing upon what you want, but, why you need it. For example, rather than focus upon only the need to earn a specific monthly amount of money (the problem), focus upon your family enjoying a nice home or having an extended vacation at a very nice tropical setting (the solution).

Your focus determines your achievements 

And there are other examples to apply which have you refocus upon the why and not only the want: you want to start you own business since you are afraid of being fired from your present job vs. you start you own business and enjoy more family time and your children can attend and graduate from a good college. With the proper focus, you are attracting the goal to you and not repelling it from you. And one last thing to consider, do not wait until you achieve your goal before you believe…believe it first in order to achieve it.

Faith and belief creates peace along your path to success

Third, once you have the faith and belief to set that tremendous goal, it is now imperative to relax, with meditation and visualization sessions, and wait until the means to achieve your goal is provided to you by the benevolent Source.

Listen to your inner voice

Take time to be still, to shut-out the noise around you and to get in touch with the deepest part of your Self. You will not be disappointed; however, you must be patient and not become anxious or nervous if the answer does not immediately become apparent to you.

Action follows after you discovered your plan 

Still, once you have heard the plan how to achieve your goal from the Source, you must act upon it immediately. Take time to write-up a plan of action and then work at it and not half-heartedly. Even though the Source will provide the path to your goal, you must not sit by idly and wait until the goal comes to you, you must take the initiative to take those steps needed to achieve your final goal.

BIG thinking and action manifest results 

At the end of the day, it is easy to understand that a big effort is no more than big thinking; it has been said that achieving a small goal takes just as much energy as it takes to achieve a big goal. The Source will provide all that is required to achieve what you can perceive, still, if you make a half-hearted effort the result will be far less than what you can achieve. Face your life with a think big attitude and you will be surprised where that road takes you.



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