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Become nothing to become something.

5. To become nothingness is the door to truth. Nothingness is the means, the goal, and attainment. 

(Osho’s Fifth New Commandment)

Material goods do not make the person 

There are those amongst us who measure their self-worth, their self-importance,and their self-confidence by the size of the house they live in, the kind of car they drive, and the kind of watch they wear on their wrist. They unwisely pursue these materialistic goods in order to fill the void created when they have turned their back upon their spirituality as a pathway to their success in this life. As a result, they suffer spiritually, mentally, and physically for their selfish, self-centered thoughts, words, and actions.

header13Self-importance is irrelevant to the universe 

In their desire to be ‘someone’ above you, me, and others they chose to separate themselves by their material choices. They reason that if they live in a larger house than you do….they are worth more than you; if they own a more exclusive automobile than you do…they are better than you; and if they wear a more unique watch around their wrist than you do….then they are more important than you are.

We cannot be separated 

However, they fail to understand that the sun cannot be separated from the universe; the whale cannot be separated from the ocean; and a person cannot be separated from humanity.When the sun acts like it is not part of the universe, it begins to die; when the whale acts like is not part of the ocean, it begins to die; and when a person thinks there are not part of humanity, they begin to die. The sun is the universe; the whale is the ocean; the person is humanity. The lower can never subsume the higher….the higher can subsume the lower.

Guide your ship without ego 

The problem is…ego, and when ego gets in the way of realty, it forms barriers around, over, and between the soul, mind, and body.  In this state we are blinded and hence, fail to realize that ego creates illusions of power, fame, and celebrity. Yet, these are ephemeral as the water that runs in a stream to the sea, and so it is that living by ego is an illusion while living without ego is reality. Reality is truth…truth is reality.

In order to change our state, we must change our ways; as we change our ways, we change our destination; as we change our destination, we change our journey; as we change our journey, we change us. No longer are we guided by false ego, we are guided by nothingness. Truth is nothingness…nothingness is truth.

Truth is not an illusion 

Truth lies behind the door of nothingness; when that door is closed it is the unknown, as we open the door it is the known. You must become receptive to what you know is the truth and that truth travels in many disguises, however, not one of those is a material disguise. The disguises are yet another illusion, one that confuses your mind, closes your eyes, opens your mouth, numbs your senses.

Harmony is above and beyond ego

Abandoning ego manifests nothingness; nothingness lacks ego. As you become nothing, you become someone…a someone who brings joy to others the way an inanimate object is unable to fulfill.  A someone who is part of everything; there is no separation when we surround ourself in a state of cooperation – there is separation when we surround ourself in a state of competition.  A someone who lives in perfect harmony, oneness, single unity. Perfect unity that exists in nothingness, unity that is above ego.

Take the one true pathway in life 

Nothingness is the pathway, ego is not…nothingness is the goal, ego is not…and nothingness is the attainment of truth, and ego is not.

2 thoughts on “Become nothing to become something.

  1. You know I love your blog!!!

    1. Dear Liga;

      Thanks and I hope you enjoy my future writings.

      Cheers Roger

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